Richard Fitzpatrick's Talks
- Multi-harmonic Rutherford Island Theory,
Torino Conference on Fundamental Plasma Physics, Turin, Italy, June 2023.
- Braking of Tearing Mode Rotation by Resistive Walls in ITER,
Sherwood International Fusion Theory Conference, Knoxville TN, May 2023.
- Mode Penetration Thresholds in KSTAR,
ITER Pedestal and Edge Physics Topical Working Group, May 2023.
- Triggering Neoclassical Tearing Modes in NSTX,
NSTX-U Macrostability Group, May 2022.
- Asymptotic Matching Approach to Modeling Tearing Mode Dynamics in Tokamak Plasmas,
Institute for Fusion Studies Seminar, September 2021.
- Predicting Stability Windows in q_95 for RMP-Induced ELM Suppression in H-Mode Tokamak Discharges,
Physics of Plasmas Webinar, March 2021.
- Analytic Theory of ELM Suppression by Static RMPs,
17th International Workshop on H-Mode Physics and Transport Barriers, Shainghai PRC, October 2019.
- Analytic Theory of ELM Suppression by Static RMPs in DIII-D Tokamak,
DIII-D Elm Working Group, General Atomics, La Jolla CA, April 2019.
- IFS Analytic Island Dynamics Model,
DIII-D Physics Meeting, General Atomics, La Jolla CA, January 2019.
- Analytic Nonlinear Neoclassical Two-Fluid Theory of Response of Tokamak Plasma to Resonant Error-Field,
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, July 2018.
- Computational Methods in Plasma Physics,
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, June 2018.
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- Computational Methods in Plasma Physics,
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, June 2017.
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- Helical Temperature Perturbations Associated with Radially Asymmetric Magnetic Island Chains in Tokamak Plasmas,
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, July 2016.
- Ptolemy's Almagest: Fact and Fiction,
History and Philosophy of Science Group, Department of History, Department of Philosophy, April 2015.
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- Phase Locking of Multihelicity Neoclassical Tearing Modes in Tokamak Plasmas,
Sherwood International Fusion Theory Conference, Courant Institute, NYU, New York NY, March 2015.
- Determination of Non-Ideal Response of a High
Temperature Plasma to a Static External Magnetic
Perturbation via Asymptotic Matching,
Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York NY, November 2013.
- Theory of Nonaxisymmetric Vertical Displacement Events,
Workshop on Theory and Simulation of Disruptions, Princeton NJ, July 2013.
- Calculation of Tearing Mode Stability in Tokamak Plasmas Via Asymptotic Matching,
IAEA Technical Committee Meeting, Vienna, Austria, May 2013.
- Spontaneous Healing and Growth of Locked Magnetic Island Chains in Stellarator Plasmas,
US-Japan Workshop, Toki City, Japan, March 2012.
- Scaling of Error-Field Penetration Threshold in Tokamak Plasmas,
16th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, La Jolla CA, November 2011.
- Magnetic Reconnection in Toroidal Magnetic Confinement Devices,
Summer School on MHD and Kinetic Processes in Laboratory, Space, and Astrophysical Plasmas, Peking China, June 2011.
- Fundamentals of Magnetic Island Theory in Tokamaks,
4th ITER International Summer School, Austin TX, June 2010.
- Locked Magnetic Islands in Toroidally Flow Damped Tokamak Plasmas,
14th Workshop on Active Control of MHD Stability: Active MHD Control in ITER, Princeton NJ, November 2009.
- Magnetic Islands in Plasmas,
Annual Meeting of Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society, Dallas TX, November 2008.
- A Simple Ideal-MHD Model of VDEs in Tokamaks,
Institute for Fusion Studies, University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX, October 2008.
- Magnetic Island Theory,
Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, Jun. 2007.
- Effect of an Error-Field on the Stability of the Resistive Wall Mode in DIII-D,
General Atomics, La Jolla CA, 2006.
- External Modes and Resistive Wall Modes,
International School of Fusion Reactor Technology, Erice, Italy, November 2005.
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Self-Organized Plasmas,
Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX, September 2005.
- Magnetic Island Theory,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA, Los Angeles CA, January 2004/2005.
- Error-Field Driven Magnetic Reconnection in Tokamaks,
Department of Physics, University
of Wisconsin-Madison, Madision WI, 1995.
- Effect of Resistive Walls on Ideal-MHD Instabilities in Tokamaks,
Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1995.
Richard Fitzpatrick
Last modified: Sun Dec 1 13:24:45 CST 2013