Toroidal Plasma Equilibrium
As before, let , , be a set of right-handed cylindrical coordinates whose symmetry axis corresponds to that of the
plasma equilibrium.
On the other hand, let , , be a set of right-handed flux coordinates such that labels the equilibrium magnetic flux-surfaces, and increases by
for every poloidal circuit of a given flux-surface. We can assume that
without loss of generality. (Note that is a generalization of the poloidal angle introduced in Section 2.7 that does not assume that the flux-surfaces have circular cross-sections.) As before, we shall set on the outboard midplane. Note that
. The Jacobean of our flux-coordinate
system is defined
(2.121) |
Now, a general vector field, , can be written
(2.122) |
Moreover [29],
(2.123) |
The axisymmetric equilibrium magnetic field of a tokamak can be expressed in the following manifestly
divergence-free manner:
(2.124) |
. It follows that
(2.128) |
is the safety-factor profile [29]. Note that the previous expression reduces to expression (1.76) in the large aspect-ratio,
circular magnetic flux-surface limit.
It is convenient to specialize to a coordinate system in which
(2.129) |
It follows that
(2.130) |
The equilibrium electric field is written
, and
. Note that the previous equation automatically satisfies
Finally, we expect the plasma equilibrium to be characterized by number density, temperature, and pressure profiles that
are flux-surface functions [18]. In other words,
, and
. (See
Section 2.25.)