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Up: Central Potentials
Previous: Infinite Spherical Potential Well
Hydrogen Atom
A hydrogen atom consists of an electron, of charge
and mass
and a proton, of charge
and mass
, moving in the Coulomb
(661) |
is the position vector of the electron with respect to the
proton. Now, according to the analysis in Sect. 6.4, this two-body
problem can be converted into an equivalent one-body problem. In the
latter problem, a particle of mass
(662) |
moves in the central potential
(663) |
Note, however, that since
the difference
is very small. Hence, in the following,
we shall write neglect this difference entirely.
Writing the wavefunction in the usual form,
(664) |
it follows from Sect. 9.2 that the radial function
(665) |
, with
(666) |
are defined in Eqs. (678) and (679),
Here, it is assumed that
, since we are only interested in bound-states of the hydrogen atom. The above differential equation transforms
(667) |
(668) |
Suppose that
. It follows that
(669) |
We now need to solve the above differential equation in the domain
, subject to the constraint that
be square-integrable.
Let us look for a power-law solution of the form
(670) |
Substituting this solution into Eq. (669), we obtain
(671) |
Equating the coefficients of
gives the recursion relation
c_k \left[k (k-1)-l (l+1)\right] = c_{k-1} \left[2 (k-1) - \zeta\right].
\end{displaymath}](img1598.png) |
(672) |
Now, the power series (670) must terminate at small
, at
some positive value of
, otherwise
behaves unphysically as
[i.e., it yields an
that is not square-integrable
]. From the above recursion relation, this is only possible if
, where the first term in the series is
. There are two possibilities:
. However, the former possibility predicts unphysical behaviour of
. Thus, we conclude that
Note that, since
at small
, there is a finite
probability of finding the electron at the nucleus for an
state, whereas
there is zero probability of finding the electron at the nucleus for
state [i.e.,
, except when
For large values of
, the ratio of successive coefficients in the power series (670)
(673) |
according to Eq. (672). This is the same as the ratio
of successive coefficients in the power series
(674) |
which converges to
. We conclude that
. It thus follows that
. This does not correspond to physically acceptable behaviour of the wavefunction, since
must be finite.
The only way in which we can avoid this unphysical behaviour is if the
power series (670) terminates at some maximum value of
. According to
the recursion relation (672), this is only possible if
(675) |
is an integer, and the last term in the series is
. Since the
first term in the series is
, it follows that
be greater than
, otherwise there are no terms in the series at all.
Finally, it is clear from Eqs. (666), (668), and (675) that
(676) |
(677) |
(678) |
(679) |
is the energy of so-called ground-state (or lowest energy state) of the
hydrogen atom, and the length
is known as the Bohr radius.
Note that
, where
is the dimensionless fine-structure constant. The fact that
is the ultimate justification for our non-relativistic treatment of the hydrogen atom.
We conclude that the wavefunction of a hydrogen atom takes the form
(680) |
Here, the
are the spherical harmonics (see Sect 8.7), and
is the solution of
(681) |
which varies as
at small
Furthermore, the quantum numbers
, and
can only take values
which satisfy the inequality
(682) |
is a positive integer,
a non-negative integer, and
an integer.
Now, we expect the stationary states of the hydrogen atom to be orthonormal: i.e.,
(683) |
is a volume element, and the integral is over all space. Of
, where
is an element
of solid angle. Moreover, we already know that the spherical
harmonics are orthonormal [see Eq. (615)]: i.e.,
(684) |
It, thus, follows that the radial wavefunction satisfies the
orthonormality constraint
(685) |
The first few radial wavefunctions for the hydrogen atom are listed below:
(686) |
(687) |
(688) |
(689) |
(690) |
(691) |
These functions are illustrated in Figs. 21 and 22.
Figure 21:
plotted as a functions of
. The solid, short-dashed, and long-dashed curves correspond to
, and
, and
, respectively.
Figure 22:
plotted as a functions of
. The solid, short-dashed, and long-dashed curves correspond to
, and
, and
, respectively.
Given the (properly normalized) hydrogen wavefunction (680),
plus our interpretation of
as a probability density, we can calculate
(692) |
where the angle-brackets denote an expectation value.
For instance, it can be demonstrated (after much tedious algebra) that
![$\displaystyle \frac{a_0^{ 2} n^2}{2} [5 n^2+1-3 l (l+1)],$](img1654.png) |
(693) |
![$\displaystyle \frac{a_0}{2} [3 n^2-l (l+1)],$](img1656.png) |
(694) |
(695) |
(696) |
(697) |
According to Eq. (676), the energy levels of the bound-states of a hydrogen atom
only depend on the radial quantum number
. It turns out that this is a special
property of a
potential. For a general central potential,
, the
quantized energy levels of a bound-state depend on both
(see Sect. 9.3).
The fact that the energy levels of a hydrogen atom only depend on
and not on
, implies that the energy spectrum of a hydrogen
atom is highly degenerate: i.e., there are many different
states which possess the same energy. According to the inequality
(682) (and the fact that
, and
are integers), for
a given value of
, there are
different allowed values of
). Likewise, for a given value of
there are
different allowed values of
). Now,
all states possessing the same value of
have the same energy (i.e., they are degenerate). Hence, the total number of
degenerate states corresponding to a given value of
(698) |
Thus, the ground-state (
) is not degenerate, the first excited
state (
) is four-fold degenerate, the second excited state
) is nine-fold degenerate, etc. [Actually, when we take
into account the two spin states of an electron (see Sect. 10),
the degeneracy of the
th energy level becomes
Next: Rydberg Formula
Up: Central Potentials
Previous: Infinite Spherical Potential Well
Richard Fitzpatrick