Figure 5.3 shows the linear response regimes in a low-field tokamak fusion reactor. The boundaries between the regimes are calculated with . (See Table 5.1.) If we assume that and , which implies that (see Table 5.1), then it is clear from the figure that the relevant response regimes are the viscous-inertial and the diffusive-resistive. Note that the respective inequalities, and , that must be satisfied in order to justify our neglect of the ion parallel dynamics in the layer equation are very easily satisfied in the viscous-resistive and resistive-diffusive regimes. (See Section 5.7 and Tables 5.1 and 5.2.)
Figure 5.4 shows the linear response regimes in a high-field tokamak fusion reactor. The boundaries between the regimes are calculated with . (See Table 5.1.) If we assume that and , which implies that (see Table 5.1), then it is clear from the figure that the relevant response regimes are the viscous-inertial and the viscous-resistive. Note that the respective inequalities, and , that must be satisfied in order to justify our neglect of the ion parallel dynamics in the layer equation are very easily satisfied in the viscous-inertial and viscous-resistive regimes.