Next: 2-d problem with Neumann
Up: The diffusion equation
Previous: An improved 1-d solution
Let us consider the solution of the diffusion equation in two dimensions. Suppose
(214) |
, and
. Suppose that
satisfies mixed
boundary conditions in the
(215) |
, and
(216) |
. Here,
, etc., are known functions of
are known functions of
Furthermore, suppose that
satisfies the following simple Dirichlet boundary
conditions in the
(217) |
As before, we discretize in time on the uniform grid
, for
Furthermore, in the
-direction, we discretize on the uniform grid
, for
, where
. Finally, in the
-direction, we discretize
on the uniform grid
, for
, where
Adopting the Crank-Nicholson temporal differencing scheme discussed in Sect. 6.6, and
the second-order spatial differencing scheme outlined in
Sect. 5.2, Eq. (214) yields
(218) |
. The discretized boundary conditions
take the form
(221) |
, etc., and
, etc.
Adopting the Fourier method introduced in Sect. 5.7, we
write the
in terms of their Fourier-sine harmonics:
(222) |
which automatically satisfies the boundary conditions (221).
The above expression can be inverted to give (see Sect. 5.9)
(223) |
When Eq. (218) is written in terms of the
, it reduces to
(224) |
, and
. Here,
, and
Moreover, the boundary conditions (219) and (220) yield
(227) |
etc. Equations (224)--(226) constitute a set of
uncoupled tridiagonal matrix equations for the
, with one
equation for each separate value of
In order to advance our solution by one time-step, we first Fourier transform the
and the boundary conditions, according to Eqs. (223) and (227).
Next, we invert the
tridiagonal equations (224)--(226) to
obtain the
. Finally, we reconstruct the
Eq. (222).
Next: 2-d problem with Neumann
Up: The diffusion equation
Previous: An improved 1-d solution
Richard Fitzpatrick