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  1. Consider a particle of mass $ m$ confined within a cubic box of dimensions $ L_x=L_y=L_z$ . According to elementary quantum mechanics, the possible energy levels of this particle are given by

    $\displaystyle E = \frac{\hbar^{ 2} \pi^{ 2}}{2 m} \left(\frac{n_x^{ 2}}{L_x^{ 2}}+
\frac{n_y^{ 2}}{L_y^{ 2}}+\frac{n_z^{ 2}}{L_z^{ 2}}\right),

    where $ n_x$ , $ n_y$ , and $ n_z$ are positive integers. (See Section C.10.)
    1. Suppose that the particle is in a given state specified by particular values of the three quantum numbers, $ n_x$ , $ n_y$ , $ n_z$ . By considering how the energy of this state must change when the length, $ L_x$ , of the box parallel to the $ x$ -axis is very slowly changed by a small amount $ dL_x$ , show that the force exerted by a particle in this state on a wall perpendicular to the $ x$ -axis is given by $ F_x= -\partial E/\partial L_x$ .
    2. Explicitly calculate the force per unit area (or pressure) acting on this wall. By averaging over all possible states, find an expression for the mean pressure on this wall. (Hint: exploit the fact that $ \overline{n_x^{ 2}}=\overline{n_y^{ 2}}=\overline{n_z^{ 2}}
$ must all be equal, by symmetry.) Show that this mean pressure can be written

      $\displaystyle \overline{p} = \frac{2}{3}\frac{\overline{E}}

      where $ \overline{E}$ is the mean energy of the particle, and $ V=L_x  L_y  L_z$ the volume of the box.

  2. The state of a system with $ f$ degrees of freedom at time $ t$ is specified by its generalized coordinates, $ q_1, \cdots, q_f$ , and conjugate momenta, $ p_1,\cdots, p_f$ . These evolve according to Hamilton's equations (see Section B.9):

    $\displaystyle \dot{q}_i = \frac{\partial H}{\partial p_i},

    $\displaystyle \dot{p}_i = -\frac{\partial H}{\partial q_i}.

    Here, $ H(q_1, \cdots, q_f, p_1,\cdots, p_f, t)$ is the Hamiltonian of the system. Consider a statistical ensemble of such systems. Let $ \rho(q_1, \cdots, q_f, p_1,\cdots, p_f, t)$ be the number density of systems in phase-space. In other words, let $ \rho(q_1, \cdots, q_f, p_1,\cdots, p_f, t) dq_1 dq_2\cdots dq_f dp_1 dp_2\cdots dp_f$ be the number of states with $ q_1$ lying between $ q_1$ and $ q_1+dq_1$ , $ p_1$ lying between $ p_1$ and $ p_1+dp_1$ , et cetera, at time $ t$ .
    1. Show that $ \rho $ evolves in time according to Liouville's theorem:

      $\displaystyle \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} +\sum_{i=1,f} \left(\dot{q}_i  ...
{\partial q_i} + \dot{p}_i  \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial p_i}\right) = 0.

      [Hint: Consider how the the flux of systems into a small volume of phase-space causes the number of systems in the volume to change in time.]

    2. By definition,

      $\displaystyle N = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \rho  dq_1\cdots dq_f dp_1\cdots dp_f

      is the total number of systems in the ensemble. The integral is over all of phase-space. Show that Liouville's theorem conserves the total number of systems (i.e., $ d N/d t=0$ ). You may assume that $ \rho $ becomes negligibly small if any of its arguments (i.e., $ q_1, \cdots, q_f$ and $ p_1,\cdots, p_f$ ) becomes very large. This is equivalent to assuming that all of the systems are localized to some region of phase-space.

    3. Suppose that $ H$ has no explicit time dependence (i.e., $ \partial H/\partial t=0$ ). Show that the ensemble-averaged energy,

      $\displaystyle \overline{H} = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} H \rho  dq_1\cdots dq_f dp_1\cdots dp_f,

      is a constant of the motion.

    4. Show that if $ H$ is also not an explicit function of the coordinate $ q_j$ then the ensemble average of the conjugate momentum,

      $\displaystyle \overline{p_j} = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} p_j \rho  dq_1\cdots dq_f dp_1\cdots dp_f,

      is a constant of the motion.

  3. Consider a system consisting of very many particles. Suppose that an observation of a macroscopic variable, $ x$ , can result in any one of a great many closely-spaced values, $ x_r$ . Let the (approximately constant) spacing between adjacent values be $ \delta x$ . The probability of occurrence of the value $ x_r$ is denoted $ P_r$ . The probabilities are assumed to be properly normalized, so that

    $\displaystyle \sum_r P_r \simeq \int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac{P_r(x_r)}{\delta x} dx_r=1,

    where the summation is over all possible values. Suppose that we know the mean and the variance of $ x$ , so that

    $\displaystyle \overline{x} = \sum_r x_r P_r


    $\displaystyle \overline{({\mit\Delta} x)^{ 2}} = \sum_r (x_r-\overline{x})^{ 2} P_r

    are both fixed. According to the $ H$ -theorem, the system will naturally evolve towards a final equilibrium state in which the quantity

    $\displaystyle H = \sum_r P_r \ln P_r

    is minimized. Used the method of Lagrange multipliers to minimixe $ H$ with respect to the $ P_r$ , subject to the constraints that the probabilities remain properly normalized, and that the mean and variance of $ x$ remain constant. (See Section B.6.) Show that the most general form for the $ P_r$ which can achieve this goal is

    $\displaystyle P_r (x_r)\simeq \frac{\delta x}{ \sqrt{2\pi \overline{({\mit \De...
...\frac{(x_r-\overline{x})^{ 2}}{2 \overline{({\mit \Delta} x)^{ 2}}}\right].

    This result demonstrates that the system will naturally evolve towards a final equilibrium state in which all of its macroscopic variables have Gaussian probability distributions, which is in accordance with the central limit theorem. (See Section 2.10.)

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Richard Fitzpatrick 2016-01-25