Resistive Kink Modes
Our previous solution of the Fourier-transformed layer equation, (9.45), is only valid in the constant-
In order to determine how this solution is modified when the constant-
approximation breaks down, we need to find a
solution that is valid as
Now, when expanded to
, the most
general small-
asymptotic solution of Equation (9.45) takes the form
(9.67) |
As before,
are independent of
, and it is assumed that
(9.68) |
Equation (9.45) transforms to give
(9.69) |
As is clear from Equations (9.67) and (9.68), the most general small-
asymptotic solution of the
previous equation is
(9.70) |
(9.71) |
Equations (9.69) and (9.70) yield
(9.72) |
(9.73) |
Figure: 9.4
The normalized growth-rate,
, as a function of the normalized tearing
stability index,
, according to the resistive-kink dispersion relation, (9.81). The
dashed line illustrates the relation
(9.74) |
Equations (9.72) and (9.73) give
(9.75) |
(9.76) |
respectively. Equation (9.75) is Kummer's equation (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965).
The solution that is well behaved as
is a confluent hypergeometric function of the second kind (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965),
![$\displaystyle L(z) =U\!\left[\frac{1}{4}\,(Q^{3/2}-1),-\frac{1}{2},z\right],$](img3441.png) |
(9.77) |
which has the small-
asymptotic expansion (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965)
![$\displaystyle L(z) = -\pi\left[\frac{1-(1/2)\,(Q^{3/2}-1)\,z}
{{\Gamma}[(Q^{3/2}-1)/4]\,{\Gamma}(5/2)} +{\cal O}(z^2)\right].$](img3442.png) |
(9.78) |
Comparing Equations (9.49), (9.76), and (9.78), we obtain (Coppi, et al., 1976; Pegoraro and Schep 1986)
(9.79) |
where use has been made of some elementary properties of gamma functions (Abramowitz and Stegun 1965).
In the constant-
, the previous expression reduces to
(9.80) |
which is consistent with Equation (9.58).
When combined with the matching condition (9.42), Equation (9.79) yields the dispersion relation
(9.81) |
This dispersion relation is illustrated in Figure 9.4. It can be seen that
in the constant-
, in accordance with standard tearing mode theory. (See Section 9.5.) On the other hand,
in the
The general dispersion relation (9.81) implies that the growth-rate of a tearing mode does not continue
to increase indefinitely as the tearing stability index,
, becomes larger and larger, which is the prediction of the constant-
dispersion relation (9.60). Instead, when
exceeds a critical value that is
of order
(implying the breakdown of the constant-
approximation), the growth-rate saturates at the
(9.82) |
In this limit, the tearing mode is usually referred to as a resistive kink mode.