(2.9) |
It is helpful to introduce a vector field, , known as the electric field, which is defined as the force exerted on a test charge of unit electric charge whose displacement is . Thus, from the previous equation, the electrical force on a test charge whose displacement is is written
where the electric field is given by At this point, we have no reason to believe that the electric field has any real physical existence. It is just a useful device for calculating the electrical force that acts on test charges placed at various locations.According to the previous equation, the electric field generated by a single point electric charge located at the origin is purely radial, is directed outward if the charge is positive, and inward if it is negative, and has magnitude
where is a spherical polar coordinate. Moreover, is the radial component of the field in spherical polar coordinates. The other components are zero. (See Section A.23.) We can represent an electric field by so-called field-lines. The direction of the lines indicates the direction of the local electric field, and the density of the lines perpendicular to this direction is proportional to the magnitude of the local electric field. It follows from Equation (2.12) that the number of field-lines crossing the surface of a sphere centered on a point charge (which is equal to times the area, , of the surface) is independent of the radius of the sphere. Thus, the field of a point positive electric charge is represented by a group of equally-spaced, unbroken, straight-lines radiating from the charge. See Figure 2.1. Likewise, field of a point negative charge is represented by a group of equally-spaced, unbroken, straight-lines converging on the charge.
Because electrical forces are superposable, it follows that electric fields are also superposable. In other words, the electric field generated by a collection of electric charges is simply the sum of the fields generated by each of the charges taken in isolation. Suppose that, instead of having a collection of discrete electric charges, we have a continuous distribution of charge represented by an electric charge density . Thus, the electric charge at displacement is , where is the volume element at . It follows from a straight-forward extension of Equation (2.11) that the electric field generated by this charge distribution is
where the volume integral is over a volume, , that contains all of the charges.