Consider the system in the limit in which the internal energy, , of the gas is much greater than the ground-state energy, so that all of the quantum numbers are large. The classical version of statistical mechanics, in which we divide up phase-space into cells of equal volume, is valid in this limit. (See Section 5.4.1.) The number of states, , lying between the internal energies and is simply equal to the number of cells in phase-space contained between these energies. In other words, is proportional to the volume of phase-space between these two energies:
Here, the integrand is the element of volume of phase-space, with(5.295) | ||
(5.296) |
For an ideal gas, the total internal energy does not depend on the positions of the particles. [See Equation (5.293).] This implies that the integration over the position vectors, , can be performed immediately. Because each integral over extends over the volume of the container (the particles are, of course, not allowed to stray outside the container), . There are such integrals, so Equation (5.294) reduces to
where(5.298) |
The internal energy of the system can be written
because , denoting the , , components by (1, 2, 3), respectively. The previous sum contains square terms. For constant, Equation (5.299) describes the locus of a sphere of radius in the -dimensional space of the momentum components. Hence, is proportional to the volume of momentum phase-space contained in the region lying between the sphere of radius , and that of slightly larger radius . This volume is proportional to the area of the inner sphere multiplied by . Because the area varies like , and , we have(5.300) |
(5.301) |