Next: An example 1-d diffusion
Up: The diffusion equation
Previous: Introduction
Consider the solution of the diffusion equation in one dimension.
Suppose that
(191) |
, subject to the mixed spatial boundary conditions
(192) |
, and
(193) |
. Here,
, etc., are known functions of time.
Of course,
must be specified at some initial time
Equation (191) needs to be discretized in both time and space.
In time, we discretize
on the equally spaced grid
(194) |
is the time-step. Adopting a
simple first-order differencing scheme, Eq. (191) becomes
(195) |
In space,
we discretize on the usual equally spaced grid-points specified in Eq. (114),
and approximate
via the second-order, central difference scheme
introduced in Eq. (115). The spatial boundary conditions are discretized in a similar
manner to Eqs. (134) and (135). Thus, Eq. (195) yields
(196) |
(197) |
, where
, and
The discretized boundary conditions take the form
, etc. The discretization scheme outlined above
is termed first-order in time and second-order in space.
Equations (197)-(199) constitute a fairly straightforward iterative scheme which
can be used to evolve the
in time.
Next: An example 1-d diffusion
Up: The diffusion equation
Previous: Introduction
Richard Fitzpatrick