Next: Generalized Schrödinger Representation
Up: Position and Momentum
Previous: Wavefunctions
Schrödinger Representation
Consider the simple system described in the previous section. A general
state ket can be written
, where
is a general function of
the position operator
, and
is the associated wavefunction.
Consider the ket whose wavefunction is
. This ket is
. The new ket is clearly a linear function of
the original ket, so we can think of it as the result of some linear
operator acting on
. Let us denote this operator
. It follows that
(128) |
Any linear operator that acts on ket vectors can also act on bra vectors.
acting on a general bra
. According to
Equation (34), the bra
(129) |
Making use of Equations (118) and (120), we can write
(130) |
The right-hand side can be transformed via integration by parts to give
(131) |
assuming that the contributions from the limits of integration vanish.
It follows that
(132) |
which implies that
(133) |
The neglect of contributions from the limits of integration in Equation (131) is
reasonable because
physical wavefunctions are square-integrable [see Equation (122)].
Note that
(134) |
where use has been made of Equation (133).
It follows, by comparison with Equations (35) and (127), that
(135) |
is an anti-Hermitian operator.
Let us evaluate the commutation relation between the operators
We have
(136) |
Since this holds for any ket
, it follows that
(137) |
be the momentum conjugate to
(for the simple system under consideration
is a straightforward linear momentum). According to Equation (116),
satisfy the commutation relation
(138) |
It can be seen, by comparison with Equation (137), that
the Hermitian operator
satisfies the same commutation relation with
The most general conclusion which may be drawn from a comparison of Equations (137)
and (138) is that
(139) |
since (as is easily demonstrated) a general function
of the position
operator automatically commutes with
We have chosen to normalize the eigenkets and
eigenbras of the position operator such that they satisfy
the normalization condition (117). However, this choice of normalization does not
uniquely determine the eigenkets and
eigenbras. Suppose that we transform to a new
set of eigenbras which are related to the old set via
(140) |
is a real function of
This transformation amounts to a rearrangement of the relative
phases of the eigenbras. The new
normalization condition is
Thus, the new eigenbras satisfy the same normalization condition
as the old eigenbras.
By definition, the standard ket
It follows from Equation (140) that the new standard ket is related to the
old standard ket via
(142) |
is a real function of the position operator
The dual of the above equation yields the transformation rule for
the standard bra,
(143) |
The transformation rule for a general operator
follows from Equations (142) and (143),
plus the requirement that the triple product
invariant (this must be the case, otherwise the probability of a measurement
yielding a certain result would depend on the choice of eigenbras). Thus,
(144) |
Of course, if
commutes with
is invariant under the transformation.
In fact,
is the only operator (that we know of) which does not commute
, so Equation (144) yields
(145) |
where the subscript ``old'' is taken as read. It follows, from Equation (139), that
the momentum operator
can be written
(146) |
Thus, the special choice
(147) |
(148) |
Equation (147) fixes
within an arbitrary additive constant: i.e., the special eigenkets and eigenbras
for which Equation (148) is true are determined to within an arbitrary common phase-factor.
In conclusion, it is possible to find a set of basis eigenkets and eigenbras
of the position operator
that satisfy the normalization condition (117),
and for which the momentum conjugate to
can be represented as the operator
(149) |
A general state ket is written
, where the standard ket
, and where
is the wavefunction.
This scheme of things is known as the Schrödinger representation, and is the
basis of wave mechanics.
Next: Generalized Schrödinger Representation
Up: Position and Momentum
Previous: Wavefunctions
Richard Fitzpatrick