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Eigenvalues of Orbital Angular Momentum
Suppose that the simultaneous eigenkets of
are completely
specified by two (dimensionless) quantum numbers,
. These kets are denoted
. The quantum number
is defined by
(4.25) |
is the eigenvalue of
divided by
. It is possible
to write such an equation because
has the dimensions of angular momentum.
Note that
is a real number, because
is an Hermitian operator.
We can write
(4.26) |
without loss of generality,
is some real dimensionless function of
. Later on,
we will show that
![$\displaystyle \langle l, m \vert\, L^2 - L_z^{\,2}\, \vert l, m\rangle =\langle...
... - m^{\,2}\, \hbar^{\,2}\, \vert l, m\rangle =[f(l,m) - m^{\,2}] \,\hbar^{\,2},$](img985.png) |
(4.27) |
assuming that the
have unit norms. However,
(4.28) |
It is readily demonstrated that
(4.29) |
is a general ket, and
an Hermitian operator.
The proof follows from the observation that
(4.30) |
, plus the fact that
for a general ket
. [See Equation (1.22).] It follows from
Equations (4.27)-(4.29) that
(4.31) |
Consider the effect of the ladder operator
on the eigenket
It is easily demonstrated that
(4.32) |
where use has been made of Equation (4.26), plus
the fact that
It follows that the ket
is an eigenstate of
corresponding to the same eigenvalue
as the ket
. Thus, the ladder operator
does not affect the magnitude of the angular momentum of
any state that it acts upon. However,
where use has been made of Equation (4.22). The previous equation implies
is proportional to
. We can
(4.34) |
is a (dimensionless) number. It is clear that if the operator
acts on a simultaneous eigenstate of
the eigenvalue of
remains unchanged, but the eigenvalue
is increased by
. For this reason,
is called
a raising operator.
Using similar arguments to those just given, it is possible
to demonstrate that
(4.35) |
is a (dimensionless) number.
is called a lowering operator.
The ladder operators,
, respectively step the value of
up and down by unity
each time they operate on one of the simultaneous eigenkets of
. It would appear, at first sight, that any value of
can be obtained by applying these operators a sufficient
number of times. However, according to Equation (4.31), there is
a definite upper bound to the values that
can take. This
bound is determined by the eigenvalue of
[See Equation (4.26).] It follows that there is a maximum and a minimum
value that
can take.
Suppose that we attempt to raise the value
above its maximum value,
. Because there is no
state with
, we must have
(4.36) |
This implies that
(4.37) |
![$\displaystyle L^-\, L^+ = L_x^{\,2} + L_y^{\,2} + {\rm i}\,[L_x, L_y] = L^2 - L_z^{\,2} - \hbar \,L_z,$](img1007.png) |
(4.38) |
so Equation (4.37) yields
(4.39) |
The previous equation can be rearranged to give
(4.40) |
Comparison of this equation with Equation (4.26) yields the result
(4.41) |
But, when
operates successively on
it generates
, et cetera. Because
the lowering operator does not change the eigenvalue of
, all of these states
must correspond to the same value of
; namely,
(4.42) |
At this stage, we can give the unknown quantum number
the value
without loss of generality.
We can also write the previous equation in the form
(4.43) |
It is easily seen that
![$\displaystyle L^- \,L^+ \,\vert l, m\rangle = (L^2 - L_z^{\,2}-\hbar\, L_z)\,\vert l, m \rangle = \hbar^{\,2} \,[l\,(l+1) - m\,(m+1)]\,\vert l,m\rangle.$](img1017.png) |
(4.44) |
![$\displaystyle \langle l,m\vert\, L^- \,L^+\,\vert l,m\rangle =\hbar^{\,2} \,[l\,(l+1) - m\,(m+1)].$](img1018.png) |
(4.45) |
However, we also know that
(4.46) |
where use has been made of Equations (4.34) and (4.35).
It follows that
(4.47) |
Consider the following:
where use has been made of the fact that
are Hermitian operators.
The previous equation reduces to
(4.49) |
with the aid of Equations (4.34) and (4.35).
Equations (4.47) and (4.49) can be combined to give
(4.50) |
The solution of the previous equation is
(4.51) |
Note that
is undetermined to an arbitrary phase-factor
[i.e., we can replace
, given previously, by
is real, and we still satisfy Equation (4.50)]. We have made the arbitrary, but convenient, choice that
is real and positive. This is equivalent
to choosing the relative phases of the eigenkets
According to Equation (4.49),
(4.52) |
We have already seen that the inequality (4.31) implies that there is a
maximum and a minimum possible value of
. The maximum value of
is denoted
. What is the minimum value? Suppose that we try
to lower the value of
below its minimum value
. Because
there is no state with
, we must have
(4.53) |
According to Equation (4.35), this implies that
(4.54) |
It can be seen from Equation (4.52) that
We conclude that the quantum number
can take a ``ladder'' of discrete values, each rung differing
from its immediate neighbors by unity. The top rung is
, and the
bottom rung is
. There are only two possible choices for
Either it is an integer (e.g.,
, which allows
to take the integer values
), or it is a half-integer (e.g.,
, which allows
to take the half-integer values
). In fact, we shall prove, in the next
section, that an orbital angular momentum can only take integer values
In summary, just using the fundamental commutation relations (4.8)-(4.10),
plus the fact that
, and
are Hermitian operators, we have
shown that the eigenvalues of
can be written
, where
is an integer, or a half-integer. Without loss of generality,
we can assume that
is non-negative.
We have also demonstrated that the eigenvalues of
can only
take the values
, where
lies in the range
. Finally, if
denotes a properly normalized simultaneous eigenket
, belonging to the eigenvalues
, respectively, then
we have shown that
are the so-called ladder operators.
Next: Rotation Operators
Up: Orbital Angular Momentum
Previous: Orbital Angular Momentum
Richard Fitzpatrick