Ray Tracing
Let us now generalize the preceding analysis so that we can deal with pulse
propagation though a three-dimensional magnetized plasma.
A general wave problem can be written as a set of
coupled, linear, homogeneous,
first-order, partial-differential equations, which take the form (Hazeltine and Waelbroeck 2004)
(6.87) |
The vector-field
components (e.g.,
might consist of
, and
) characterizing
some small disturbance, and
is an
matrix characterizing the
undisturbed plasma.
The lowest order WKB approximation is premised on the assumption that
depends so weakly on
that all of the
spatial and temporal dependence of the components of
is specified by a common factor
Equation (6.87) reduces to
(6.88) |
In general, Equation (6.88) has many solutions, corresponding to the many different
types and polarizations of waves that can propagate through the plasma in question,
all of which satisfy the dispersion relation
(6.91) |
As is easily demonstrated (see Section 6.2), the WKB approximation is valid
provided that the characteristic
variation lengthscale and variation timescale of the plasma are much longer than
the wavelength,
, and the period,
, respectively,
of the wave in question.
Let us concentrate on one particular solution of Equation (6.88) (e.g.,
on one particular type of plasma wave). For this solution, the dispersion
relation (6.91) yields
(6.92) |
that is, the dispersion relation yields a
unique frequency for a wave of a given wavevector,
, located
at a given point,
, in space and time. There is also a unique
with this frequency, which is obtained from Equation (6.88). To lowest order, we can
neglect the variation of
A general pulse solution is written
(6.93) |
where (locally)
(6.94) |
is a function that specifies the initial structure of the pulse
The integral (6.93) averages to zero, except at a point of stationary
phase, where
. (See Section 6.7.) Here,
is the
gradient operator. It follows that the (instantaneous) trajectory of the pulse
matches that of a point of stationary phase:
(6.95) |
(6.96) |
is the group-velocity. Thus, the instantaneous velocity of a pulse is
equal to the local group-velocity.
Let us now determine how the wavevector,
, and the angular frequency,
of a pulse evolve as the pulse propagates through the
plasma. We start from the cross-differentiation rules
[see Equations (6.89) and (6.90)]:
run from 1 to 3, and denote Cartesian components.
Equations (6.92), (6.97), and (6.98) yield [making use of the Einstein summation
convention (Riley 1974)]
(6.99) |
(6.100) |
In other words, the variation of
, as seen in a frame co-moving with
the pulse, is determined by the spatial gradients in
Partial differentiation of Equation (6.92) with respect to
(6.101) |
which can be written
(6.102) |
In other words, the variation of
, as seen in a frame co-moving with
the pulse, is determined by the time variation of
According to the previous analysis, the evolution of a pulse
propagating though a spatially and temporally non-uniform
plasma can be determined by solving the
ray equations:
The previous equations are conveniently rewritten in terms of the dispersion
relation (6.91) (Hazeltine and Waelbroeck 2004):
Incidentally, the variation in the amplitude of the pulse, as it
propagates through the plasma, can only be determined by expanding
the WKB solutions to higher order. (See Exercises 3 and 4.)