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  1. Verify Equations (4.17) and (4.18).

  2. Verify Equation (4.30).

  3. Derive Equations (4.36)-(4.38) from Equation (4.35).

  4. Derive Equations (4.41)-(4.43) from Equations (4.36)-(4.38).

  5. Derive Equation (4.53) from Equation (4.49).

  6. Consider the Maxwellian distribution

    $\displaystyle f({\bf v}) = \frac{n}{\pi^{3/2}\,v_t^{\,3}}\,\exp\left(-\frac{v^2}{v_t^{\,2}}\right).


    $\displaystyle I_n = \int \frac{f}{n}\left(\frac{v}{v_t}\right)^n\,d^3{\bf v}.

    Demonstrate that $ I_{-2}=2$ , $ I_0=1$ , $ I_2=3/2$ , and $ I_4=15/4$ .

  7. Consider a neutral gas in a force-free steady-state equilibrium. The particle distribution function $ f$ satisfies the simplified kinetic equation

    $\displaystyle {\bf v}\cdot \nabla f = C(f).

    We can crudely approximate the collision operator as

    $\displaystyle C = -\nu\,(f-f_0)

    where $ \nu$ is the effective collision frequency, and

    $\displaystyle f_0 = \frac{n}{\pi^{3/2}\,v_t^{\,3}}\exp\left[-\frac{({\bf v}-{\bf V})^{\,2}}{v_t^{\,2}}\right].

    Here, $ v_t=\sqrt{2\,T/m}$ . Suppose that the mean-free-path $ l=v_t/\nu$ is much less than the typical variation lengthscale of equilibrium quantities (such as $ n$ , $ T$ , and $ {\bf V}$ ). Demonstrate that it is a good approximation to write

    $\displaystyle f =f_0 - \nu^{-1}\,{\bf v}\cdot\nabla f_0.

    1. Suppose that $ n$ and $ T$ are uniform, but that $ {\bf V} = V_y(x)\,{\bf e}_y$ . Demonstrate that the only non-zero components of the viscosity tensor are

      $\displaystyle \pi_{xy}=\pi_{yx} = -\eta\,\frac{dV_y}{dx},


      $\displaystyle \eta = \frac{1}{2}\,m\,n\,\nu\,l^{\,2}.

    2. Suppose that $ n$ is uniform, and $ {\bf V}={\bf0}$ , but that $ T=T(x)$ . Demonstrate that the only non-zero component of the heat flux density is

      $\displaystyle q_x = - \kappa\,\frac{dT}{dx},


      $\displaystyle \kappa = \frac{5}{2}\,n\,\nu\,l^{\,2}.

    3. Suppose that $ {\bf V}={\bf0}$ , and $ n=n(x)$ and $ T=T(x)$ , but that $ p=n\,T$ is constant. Demonstrate that the only non-zero component of the heat flux density is

      $\displaystyle q_x = - \kappa\,\frac{dT}{dx},


      $\displaystyle \kappa = \frac{5}{4}\,n\,\nu\,l^{\,2}.

  8. Consider a spatially uniform, unmagnetized plasma in which both species have zero mean flow velocity. Let $ n_e$ and $ T_e$ be the electron number density and temperature, respectively. Let $ {\bf E}$ be the ambient electric field. The electron distribution function $ f_e$ satisfies the simplified kinetic equation

    $\displaystyle -\frac{e}{m_e}\,{\bf E}\cdot \nabla_v f_e = C_e.

    We can crudely approximate the electron collision operator as

    $\displaystyle C_e = -\nu_e\,(f_e-f_0)

    where $ \nu_e$ is the effective electron-ion collision frequency, and

    $\displaystyle f_0 = \frac{n_e}{\pi^{3/2}\,v_{t\,e}^{\,3}}\exp\left(-\frac{v^2}{v_{t\,e}^{\,2}}\right).

    Here, $ v_{t\,e}=\sqrt{2\,T_e/m_e}$ . Suppose that $ E\ll m_e\,\nu_e\,v_{t\,e}/e$ . Demonstrate that it is a good approximation to write

    $\displaystyle f_e =f_0 + \frac{e}{m_e\,\nu_e}\,{\bf E}\cdot\nabla_v f_0.

    Hence, show that

    $\displaystyle {\bf j} = \sigma\,{\bf E},


    $\displaystyle \sigma = \frac{e^2\,n_e}{m_e\,\nu_e}.

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Richard Fitzpatrick 2016-01-23