Consider an ensemble of two-outcome systems like the one just discussed. Let be the number of systems in the ensemble that exhibit outcome , and let be the number of systems that exhibit outcome . It is evident that
Let us determine the probability, , that systems in our ensemble exhibit outcome . Making use of a straightforward extension of Equation (5.8), the probability that systems in the ensemble exhibit outcome , and that exhibit outcome , is
However, a situation in which systems in the ensemble exhibit the outcome can be achieved in many alternative ways. Let be the number of distinct configurations of systems by which of these systems exhibit outcome . Making use of a straightforward extension of Equation (5.4), as well as Equations (5.10) and (5.11), we deduce thatConsider systems exhibiting the outcome . The number of ways that these systems can be distributed between systems is
(5.13) |
(5.14) |
The well-known algebraic expansion of a binomial of the form is
For this reason, the probability distribution (5.15) is known as the binomial probability distribution. From Equation (5.9), , which implies that . Thus, the previous two equations yield(5.17) |
Suppose that outcomes and represent steps to the right and steps to the left taken by a drunken man. The net number of steps to the right taken is , where use has been made of Equation (5.10). Thus,
which implies that the probability, , that assumes a certain value after steps is equal to the probability that assumes the value . In other words,Suppose, finally, that some physical system can exhibit many possible outcomes, , , , et cetera. If we are only interested in outcome then we could label all of the other outcomes `not ' or . In this case, we have recovered a system to which the binomial probability distribution applies.