To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction; or, the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal and directed to contrary parts.Consider a dynamical system consisting of two bodies, labelled 1 and 2. Let body 1 exert a force
It should be noted that Newton's third law implies action at a
distance. In other words, if the force that body
exerts on body
suddenly changes then Newton's third law
demands that there must be an immediate
change in the force that body
exerts on body
. Moreover, this must be the case irrespective of the
distance between the two bodies. However, we know that
Einstein's special theory of relativity forbids information from traveling through the
universe faster than the speed of light in vacuum. (See Section 3.2.10.) Hence, action at a distance is also forbidden. In other words, if the force that body
exerts on body
suddenly changes then there must be a
time delay, which is at least as long as it takes a light ray to propagate
between the two bodies, before the force that body
exerts on body
can respond. Of course, this means that
Newton's third law is not, strictly speaking, correct. However, as
long as we restrict our investigations to the motions of dynamical
systems on timescales that are long compared to the time
required for light-rays to traverse these systems, Newton's third
law can be regarded as being approximately correct.