Consider two clocks, and , that are located a distance apart in their mutual rest frame. Suppose that the
clocks are synchronized using light pulses emitted from a source that lies half-way between them.
Let us observe the clocks in a reference frame that moves with velocity with respect to the clocks'
rest frame in a direction that is parallel to their mutual displacement. See Figure 3.8. In the moving frame, the
contracted distance between the two clocks is
, but the source is still located half-way between the clocks. Moreover, the two clocks appear to move with the same velocity, . Consider a light pulse that is
emitted by the source and travels to the two clocks. Suppose that, in the moving frame, it takes a time for the pulse to travel from the
source to clock . The pulse travels a distance
. Thus, given that the pulse travels at the
speed , according to Einstein's second postulate, we have
(3.82) |
(3.83) |
Suppose that, in the moving frame, it takes a time for the pulse to travel from the source to clock .
The pulse travels a distance
. Thus, given that the pulse travels at the
speed , we have
(3.84) |
(3.85) |
Now, in the clocks' rest frame, the pulse arrives at clocks and simultaneously. However, in the moving
frame, the pulse arrives at clock prior to its arrival at clock (because ).
In other words, two events, a spatial distance apart,
that take place simultaneously in a particular reference frame, do not appear to take place simultaneously
in a reference frame that moves with velocity in the direction of the mutual displacement of the two
events. This phenomenon is known as clock error. The time difference between the two events in the
moving frame is
(3.86) |
which reduces to
(3.87) |