Welcome to EPEC’s documentation!¶
Short Description¶
Suite of programs to simulate island dynamics in presence of RMP
tokamak, magnetic island, dynamics, resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP), GPEC code
Long Description¶
Suite of programs to simulate multi-harmonic magnetic island chain dynamics in presence of resonant magnetic perturbation in time-varying toroidal tokamak equilibrium. The simulation scheme is based on asymptotic matching.
Relevant Publications¶
R. Fitzpatrick, SangKyeun Kim, and Jaehyun Lee. Modeling of q95 windows for the suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbations in the KSTAR tokamak. Phys. Plasmas 28, 082511 (2021).
R. Fitzpatrick. Further modeling of q95 windows for the suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbations in the DIII-D tokamak. Phys. Plasmas 28, 022503 (2021).
R. Fitzpatrick. Modeling q95 windows for the suppression of edge localized modes by resonant magnetic perturbations in the DIII-D tokamak. Phys. Plasmas 27, 102511 (2020).
R. Fitzpatrick, and A.O. Nelson. An improved theory of the response of DIII-D H-mode discharges to static resonant magnetic perturbations and its implications for the suppression of edge localized modes. Phys. Plasmas 27, 072501 (2020).
Program to read gFile(s) and write equilibrium data needed by NEOCLASSICAL and PHASE to fFile(s)
Program to read FLUX data from fFile(s), profile data from pFile(s) and cFiles(s), and write neoclassical data needed by PHASE to nFile(s)
Program to read FLUX data from fFile(s), NEOCLASSICAL data from nFile(s), GPEC data from uFile(s), mFiles(s), and lFile(s), and perform island dynamics simulation. Final state of plasma saved in sFile.
Program to rescale equilibrium gFile, as well as profile pFile and cFile, so as to scan physical quantity as function of time. Allowed scans are electron density (n_e), electron temperature (T_e), major radius (R_0), toroidal momentum diffusivity (chi_p), total pressure (P), ExB frequency (w_E), and edge safety-factor (q_95).
Independent OMFIT module used to calculate ideal-MHD response of tokamak plasma equilibirum to resonant magnetic perturbation
Calculation Phases¶
PHASE 1: PHASE reads gFile(s) and outputs plasma equilibrium data for Stage 2
PHASE 2: PHASE constructs flux coordinate system, calculates metric quantities, locates resonant surfaces, calculates neoclassical data at resonant surfaces, calculates tearing stability matrix, calculates GGJ data, calculates island saturation data, and outputs all data to fFile(s).
PHASE 3: NEOCLASSICAL reads fFile(s), pFile(s), and cFiles(s), calculates neoclassical/profile data at resonant surfaces, and outputs data to nFile(s).
PHASE 4: PHASE reads fFile(s), nFile(s), lfiles(s), uFile(s), mFile(s) for Stages 5 & 6, and calculates vacuum island widths as function of relative RMP coil phase.
PHASE 5: PHASE performs island dynamics simulation in fixed equilibrium.
PHASE 6: PHASE performs island dynamics simulation in dynamic equilibrium.
EPEC can be run either directly on the local server (assuming that the EPEC source is installed on the local server) or via SLURM on a SLURM server, depending on whether the “SLURM” checkbox on the MAIN screen of the GUI is unchecked or checked, respectively. There is also a “Batch” checkbox on the MAIN screen: if checked this enables batch execution of SLURM jobs (when practical and advantageous). The SLURM server can be changed in the MAIN screen of the GUI.
Local OMFIT file system. Usually in /tmp/<username>/OMFIT/ on local machine.
Remote OMFIT file system. Usually in /tmp/<username>/OMFIT/ on SLURM server.
- Local EPEC-runs database.
In projectsDir/../EPEC-runs/<Device>.<Shot>.<Time>.<runid>
Alternately in projectsDir/EPEC-runs/<Device>.<Shot>.<Times[0]>.<Times[-1]>.<runid> on local machine.
Here, <Device>, <Shot>, <Time>, <Times[]>, <runid> are set on the MAIN page of the GUI.
Previous runs of EPEC can be loaded from the EPEC-runs database using the “Load Previous run …” button, which will appear on the MAIN page of the GUI if the run is present in the database.
The present run can be saved to the database by giving “runid” on the MAIN page of the GUI a unique value, and then hitting the “Save run” button on the MAIN page.
Test Data¶
Test data can be loaded into EPEC using the TEST DATA page of the GUI. The following data is available:
NSTX Shot 127317 at 400 ms, n=1 RMP.
KSTAR Shot 18594 at 6450 ms, n=2 RMP.
DIIID Shot 145380 at 3400 ms, n=3 RMP.
DIIID Shot 145380 between 2000 and 4500 ms, 50 ms interval, n=3 RMP.
Test run * Hit ‘DIIID #145380 3400 ms n=3’ button on the TEST DATA page of the GUI. * Hit ‘Run FLUX + NEOCLASSICAL + PHASE’ on the EPEC page of the GUI.
- Basic run
- Edit the namelists that control FLUX, NEOCLASSICAL, and PHASE:
EPEC/INPUTS/epec_namelist - should not need to change.
FLUX/INPUTS/flux_namelist - need to choose NTOR, PSIPED.
NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/neoclassical_namelist - need to choose ExB, NN, LN, YN.
PHASE/INPUTS/phase_namelist - need to choose TSTART, TEND, DT, MID, COPT, FREQ.
PHASE/INPUTS/rmp_waveform - need to specify RMP waveform.
Load the gFile into FLUX/INPUTS/.
Load the pFile into NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/.
Load the cFile into NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/.
Load the gFile into GPEC.
Run GPEC with 1kA (with the correct toroidal mode number) flowing in the desired coil-set. The toroidal mode number ‘nn’ in the GPEC GUI namelist must match NTOR in FLUX/INPUTS/flux_namelist.
Hit ‘Import l/u/m files from GPEC (attempts to guess coil set)’ on EPEC page of GUI.
Repeat the previous two steps until all coil-sets have been accounted for. (The maximum allowed number of coil-sets is presently 3.)
Hit ‘Run FLUX + NEOCLASSICAL + PHASE’ on the EPEC page of the GUI.
The RMP waveform can be modified by changing entries in the PHASE/INPUTS/rmp_waveform namelist. Once the waveform is changed, it is only necessary to rerun PHASE (hit the ‘Run PHASE’ button on the PHASE page of the GUI).
- Interpolated run
- Edit the namelists that control EPEC, FLUX. NEOCLASSICAL, and PHASE:
EPEC/INPUTS/epec_namelist - need to choose TSTART, TEND, DTF, DTP.
FLUX/INPUTS/flux_namelist - need to choose NTOR, PSIPED.
NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/neoclassical_namelist - need to choose ExB, NN, LN, YN.
PHASE/INPUTS/phase_namelist - need to choose DT, MID, COPT, FREQ.
PHASE/INPUTS/rmp_waveform - need to specify RMP waveform.
Load the gFiles into FLUX/INPUTS/gFiles/. Load the Index into FLUX/INPUTS/gFiles/. The Index should list the g-filenames and the corresponding experimental times in two columns, in order of increasing time.
Load the pFiles into NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/pFiles/. Load the Index into NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/pFiles/. The Index should list the p-filenames and the corresponding experimental times in two columns, in order of increasing time.
Load the cFiles into NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/pFiles/. Load the Index into NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/cFiles/. The Index should list the c-filenames and the corresponding experimental times in two columns, in order of increasing time.
Load the gFiles into GPEC.
Run GPEC with 1kA (with the correct toroidal mode number) flowing in the desired coil-set. The toroidal mode number ‘nn’ in GPEC GUI must match NTOR in FLUX/INPUTS/flux_namelist.
Hit ‘Import l/u/m files from GPEC (attempts to guess coil set)’ on the EPEC page of the GUI.
Repeat previous two steps until all coil-sets have been accounted for. (The maximum allowed number of coil-sets is presently 3.)
Hit ‘Generate fFiles and nFiles’ on the EPEC page of the GUI.
Hit ‘Run EPEC’ on the EPEC page of the GUI.
The RMP waveform can be modified by changing entries in the PHASE/INPUTS/rmp_waveform namelist. Once the waveform is changed, you can hit ‘Run EPEC’ again.
- Rescaled run
- Edit the namelists that control EPEC, RESCALE, FLUX. NEOCLASSICAL, and PHASE:
EPEC/INPUTS/epec_namelist - need to choose TSTART, TEND, DTF, DTP and RESCALE parameters.
FLUX/INPUTS/flux_namelist - need to choose NTOR, PSIPED.
NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/neoclassical_namelist - need to choose ExB, NN, LN, YN.
PHASE/INPUTS/phase_namelist - need to choose DT, MID, COPT, FREQ.
PHASE/INPUTS/rmp_waveform - need to specify RMP waveform.
Load the gFile into FLUX/INPUTS/.
Load the pFile into NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/.
Load the cFile into NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/.
Hit one of the buttons on the SCAN page of the GUI. This will rescale the gFile/pFile/cFile (e.g., by changing q_95). The rescaled files will be loaded into FLUX/INPUTS/gFiles, NEOCLASSSICAL/INPUTS/pFiles, and NEOCLASSICAL/INPUTS/cFiles, together with the appropriate Index files.
Load the gFiles into GPEC.
Run GPEC with 1kA (with the correct toroidal mode number) flowing in the desired coil-set. The toroidal mode number ‘nn’ in GPEC GUI must match NTOR in FLUX/INPUTS/flux_namelist.
Hit ‘Import l/u/m files from GPEC (attempts to guess coil set)’ on the EPEC page of the GUI.
Repeat the previous two steps until all coil-sets have been accounted for. (The maximum allowed number of coil-sets is presently 3.)
Hit ‘Generate fFiles and nFiles’ on the EPEC page of the GUI.
Hit ‘Run EPEC’ on the EPEC page of the GUI.
The RMP waveform can be modified by changing entries in the PHASE/INPUTS/rmp_waveform namelist. Once the waveform is changed, you can hit ‘Run EPEC’ again.
Short Description¶
Description of EPEC namelist
Namelist Variables¶
Simulation start time (ms)
Simulation end time (ms)
Start time for PHASE/EPEC plots (ignored if negative) (ms)
End time for PHASE/EPEC plots (ignored if negative) (ms)
PHASE/EPEC plots only show data for mode with poloidal mode number MPOL (ignored if negative)
Time interval between successive RESCALE calculations (ms)
Time interval between successive fFile/nFile calculations (ms)
Time interval between successive PHASE runs (ms)
Flag for restarting each PHASE run, rather than using previous run as initial condition
Initial AN for RESCALE n_e scan
Final AN for RESCALE n_e scan
Initial AT for RESCALE T_e scan
Final AT for RESCALE T_e scan
Initial AR for RESCALE R_0 scan
Final AR for RESCALE R_0 scan
Initial AC for RESCALE CHI_PHI scan
Final AC for RESCALE CHI_PHI scan
Initial AP for RESCALE P scan
Final AP for RESCALE P scan
Initial AW for RESCALE w_E scan
Final AW for RESCALE w_E scan
Initial Q95 for RESCALE q_95 scan
Final Q95 for RESCALE q_95 scan
Short Description¶
Program to calculate equilibrium data needed by EPEC.
Long Description¶
Program to read gFile(s) and write plasma equilibrium data needed by NEOCLASSICAL and PHASE to fFile(s).
- Stage 1:
Read gFile(s) and output plasma equilibrium data for Stage 2
- Stage 2:
Construct flux coordinate system. Calculate metric quantities. Locate rational surfaces. Calculate neoclassical data. Calculate tearing stability matrix. Calculate GGJ data. Calculate island saturation data.
- Inputs:
- Flux.nml:
Fortran_90 namelist control file
- gFile:
Equilibrium EQDSK gFile
- gFiles:
- Directory containing gFiles for interpolation:
- Index:
List of gFile names and experimental times
- gFiles:
Actual gFiles
- Outputs:
- fFile:
File containing data for NEOCLASSICAL and PHASE
- fFiles:
- Directory containing fFiles associated with interpolated gFiles
- Index:
List of fFile names and experimental times
- fFiles:
Actual fFiles
- Stage1.nc:
NETCDF data file from Stage 1 calculation
- Stage2.nc:
NETCDF data file from Stage 2 calculation
- Plots:
- *.py:
Python scripts to plot Stage 1 and Stage2 data
gFile Format¶
Anything after this is ignored
Short Description¶
Description of FLUX namelist
Namelist Variables¶
Toroidal mode number of RMP
Minimum poloidal mode number of resonant surfaces included in calculation
Maximum poloidal mode number of resonant surfaces included in calculation
Maximum PsiN for safety-factor calculation
Resonant surfaces in region PsiN > PSIRAT are ignored
PsiN value at top of pedestal
Flag for interpolating gFiles
Experimental time (ms) (only relevant when INTG = 1)
- RW
Radius of resistive wall (units of minor radius)
Number of points in PsiN grid
- Packing index for PsiN grid:
PsiN[i] = PSILIM * (1. - (1. - s)^PACK) for i = 0, NPSI-1, where s = i /(NPSI-1)
Number of points in theta grid (must be odd)
Number of neoclassical harmonics included in calculation
Number of smoothing cycles for calculation of higher derivatives of q
- H0
Initial integration step-length
Adaptive integration accuracy
Regularization factor for Green’s function
Flag for using neoclassical, as opposed to straight, angle in E-matrix calculation
Short Description¶
Program to generate profile data needed by EPEC.
profile, neoclassical
Long Description¶
Program to read FLUX data from fFile(s), profile data from pFile(s) and cFiles(s), and write neoclassical/profile data needed by PHASE to nFile(s)
- Stage 3:
Read input files, calculate neoclassical/profile data at resonant surfaces, and output nFile(s)
- Inputs:
- Neoclassical.nml:
Fortran_90 namelist control file
- fFile:
Equiulibrium data from PHASE
- fFiles:
- Directory containing fFiles for interpolation
- Index:
List of fFile names and experimental times
- *.f:
Actual fFiles
- pFile:
Osborne pFile containing profile data
- pFiles:
- Directory containing pFiles for interpolation
- Index:
List of pFile names and experimental times
- pFiles:
Actual pFiles
- cFile:
Perpendicular diffusivity data from TRANSP
- cFiles:
- Directory containing cFiles for interpolation
- Index:
List of cFile names and experimental times
- cFiles:
Actual cFiles
- Outputs:
- nFile:
File containing neoclassical/profile data for PHASE
- nFiles:
- Directory containing interpolated nFiles
- Index:
List of nFile names and experimental times
- *.n:
Actual nFiles
- Stage3.nc:
NETCDF file from Stage 3 calculation
- Plots:
- *.py:
Python scripts to plot Stage 3 data
pFile Format¶
- PSI:
Normalized poloidal flux
- NE:
Electron number density (10^20/m^3)
- TE:
Electron temperature (keV)
- NI:
Thermal ion number density (10^20/m^3)
- TI:
Thermal ion temperature (keV)
- NB:
Fast ion number density (10^20/m^3)
Impurity ion toroidal angular velocity on outboard midplane (krad/s)
Impurity ion poloidal angular velocity on outboard midplane (krad/s)
- WEB:
ExB frequency (krad/s)
- NI:
Impurity ion number density (10^20/m^3)
- N:
Ion atomic number
- Z:
Ion charge (units of e)
- A:
Ion mass number
Fields can occur in any order. Additional fields are ignored.
cFile Format¶
- PSI:
Normalized poloidal flux
Perpendicular toroidal momentum diffusivity (m^2/s)
- CHI_E:
Perpendicular electron energy diffusivity (m^2/s)
Perpendicular particle diffusivity (m^2/s)
- CHI_I:
Perpendicular ion energy diffusivity (m^2/s)
Short Description¶
Description of NEOCLASSICAL namelist
Namelist Variables¶
- Switch for calculating ExB frequency from neoclassical theory:
- 0:
Use ExB frequency profile from pFile
- 1:
Use ExB frequency profile derived from pFile toroidal and poloidal velocity profiles (should be same as EXB = 0)
- 2:
Use ExB frequency profile derived from pFile toroidal velocity profile and neoclassical poloidal velocity profile
Flag for inclusion of impurities in calculation
Flag for inclusion of neutrals in claculation
If 0/1 then flux-surface averaged neutral density distribution exponential/Lorentzian
- NN
Flux-surface averaged neutral density on LCFS (m^-3)
- LN
Flux-surface averaged neutral density decay lengthscale (m)
- YN
Neutral peaking factor at X-point
Charge exchange rate constant (m^3/s)
- EN
Incoming neutral energy/ion energy
Flag for fFile interpolation
Flag for pFile interpolation
Flag for cFile interpolation
Flag for linear-only interpolation of cFiles
Minimum allowed value of diffusvities at resonant surfaces (m^2/s)
Maximum allowed value of diffusvities at resonant surfaces (m^2/s)
Experimental time (ms) (only relevant with interpolation of pFiles/fFiles/cFiles)
Minimum allowed value of tau (parameter in calculation of linear layer widths)
Coulomb logarithm
Number of smoothing cycles for calculation of higher derivatives of profiles
Short Description¶
Program to perform EPEC island dynamics simulation.
island, RMP
Long Description¶
Program to read FLUX data from fFile(s), NEOCLASSICAL data from nFile(s), GPEC data from uFile(s), mFiles(s), and lFile(s), and perform island dynamics simulation. Final state of plasma saved in sFile.
- Stage 4:
Read data and calculate vacuum island widths as function of relative RMP coil phase
- Stage 5:
Perform island dynamics simulation in fixed equilibrium
- Stage 6:
Perform island dynamics simulation in dynamic equilibrium
- Inputs:
- Phase.nml:
Fortran_90 namelist control file
- Waveform.nml:
Fortran_90 namelist file specifing RMP coil current waveform
- fFile:
Equilibrium data from FLUX
- fFiles:
- Directory containing fFiles for interpolation
- Index:
List of fFile names and experimental times
- fFiles:
Actual fFiles
- nFile:
Neoclassical/profile data from NEOCLASSICAL
- nFiles:
- Directory containing nFiles for interpolation
- Index:
List of nFile names and experimental times
- nFiles:
Actual nFiles
- lFile:
Ideal response data to 1kA current flowing in lower RMP coil set from GPEC
- lFiles:
- Directory containing lFiles for interpolation
- Index:
List of lFile names and experimental times
- lFiles:
Actual lFiles
- uFile:
Ideal response data to 1kA current flowing in (optional) upper RMP coil set from GPEC
- uFiles:
- Directory containing uFiles for interpolation
- Index:
List of uFile names and experimental times
- uFiles:
Actual uFiles
- mFile:
Ideal response data to 1kA current flowing in (optional) middle RMP coil set from GPEC
- mFiles:
- Directory containing mFiles for interpolation
- Index:
List of mFile names and experimental times
- mFiles:
Actual mFiles
- Outputs:
- sFile:
File specifying final plasma state (used for restarting calculation)
- Stage4.nc:
NETCDF file from Stage 4 calculation
- Stage5.nc:
NETCDF file from Stage 5 calculation
- ncFiles/*.nc:
NETCDF files from Stage 6 calculation
- Plots:
- *.py:
Python scripts to plot Stage 4 and 5 data
- ../EPEC/PLOTS/*.py:
Python scripts to plot Stage 6 data
lFile, uFile, mFile Format¶
Files are gpec_singfld_n?.out files from GPEC with singular field and ascii flags set
Short Description¶
Description of PHASE namelist
Namelist Variables¶
RMP coil relative phase scan from -PMAX*M_PI/2 to PMAX*M_PI/2 in Stage 4
Flag for proceeding to Stage5 calculation
Simulation start time (ms)
Simulation end time (ms)
- DT
Data recorded every DT ms
If not restarting calculation run simulation for TOFF ms before recording data
- Number of coil sets:
- 1:
Requires lFile
- 2:
Requires lFile and uFile
- 3:
Requires lFile, uFile, and mFile
- Switch for optimaiztion of relative amplitudes/phases of coils currents:
- 0:
No optimization
- 1:
Maximize drive at resonant surface closest to top of pedestal (restricted)
- 2:
Maximize drive at resonant surface closest to top of pedestal (unrestricted)
- 3:
Maximize drive at resonant surface closest to top of pedestal and minimize drive at innermost resonant surface (unrestricted)
Core drive minimization factor when COPT = 3 (0.0 = no minimization, 1.0 = complete minmization)
- Switch for selecting natural frequency type:
- 0:
Use linear/nonlinear natural frequency with linear layer width as switch
- 1:
Use linear/nonlinear natural frequency with electron pressure flattening width as switch
- 2:
Use linear/ExB/nonlinear natural frequency with linear layer width as switch
- 3:
Use w_natural = FFAC * w_linear + (1-FFAC) * w_EB
Parameter for selecting natural frequency (when FREQ = 3)
Flag for purely linear island dynamics simulation
Flag for including charge exhange damping in angular equations of motion
Flag for including island saturation terms in Rutherford equations
Flag for including bootstrap current terms in Rutherford equations
Flag for including magnetic field-line curvature terms in Rutherford equations
Flag for including ion polarization current terms in Rutherford equations
FLag for including resistive wall in calculation
Time constant of resistive wall (ms)
Maximum Chirikov parameter for vacuum islands
Stop claculation if m = MSTOP mode locks (only active if MSTOP > 0)
Flag for fFile interpolation
Flag for nFile interpolation
Flag for uFile/mFile/lFile interpolation
Flag for linear-only nFile interpolation
Flag for linear-only interpolation of uFiles/mFiles/lFiles
Flag for restarting old calculation
Flag for higher-order transport analysis
GPEC scalefactor
Number of flow harmonics included in calculation
Short Description¶
Description of WAVEFORM namelist
Waveform Control¶
Waveform type (1=programmed, 2=spike, 3=repeated ramp)
Type 1 Waveform¶
Number of RMP control points in waveform
List of RMP control times (ms)
List of RMP currents at control times (kA)
List of relative phases of RMP coil currents at control times (units of PI)
Type 2 Waveform¶
Time of start of RMP spike (ms)
Time of end of RMP spike (ms)
RMP coil currents at start of RMP spike (kA)
Relative phase of RMP coil currents at start of spike (units of PI)
Phase velocity of RMP coil currents during spike (krad/s)
Background RMP coil currents (kA)
Type 3 Waveform¶
Repeated RMP ramp repetition period (ms)
RMP coil currents at start of ramp (first ramp starts at t=0) (kA)
RMP coil currents at end of ramp (kA)
Relative phase of RMP coil currents during ramp (units of PI)
NTM Trigger¶
Poloidal mode number of NTM whose triggering is under investigation
Minimum amplitude of applied type 2 RMP spike (kA)
Maximum amplitude of applied type 2 RMP spike (kA)
- DA
Resolution to which trigger amplitude determined (kA)
Minumum duration of applied type 2 RMP spike (starts at SSTART) (ms)
Maximum duration of applied type 2 RMP spike (ms)
- DP
Difference between durations of applied type 2 RMP spikes (ms)
Minumum phase velocity of applied type 2 RMP spike (starts at SSTART) (kA)
Maximum phase velocity of applied type 2 RMP spike (kA)
- DF
Difference between phase velocities of applied type 2 RMP spikes (kA)
Short Description¶
Program to rescale equilibrium and profile data needed by EPEC.
rescale, equilibrium
Long Description¶
Program to read gFile, pFile, and cFile, rescale equilibrium, and write out new gFile, pFile, and cFile
- /Inputs:
- Rescale.nml:
Fortran_90 namelist control file
- gFile:
Initial gFile
- pFile:
Initial pFile
- cFile:
Initial cFile
- /Outputs:
- gFile:
Rescaled gFile
- pFile:
Rescaled pFile
- cFile
Rescaled cFile
gFile Format¶
Anything after this is ignored
pFile Format¶
- PSI:
Normalized poloidal flux
- NE:
Electron number density (10^20/m^3)
- TE:
Electron temperature (keV)
- NI:
Thermal ion number density (10^20/m^3)
- TI:
Thermal ion temperature (keV)
- NB:
Fast ion number density (10^20/m^3)
Impurity ion toroidal angular velocity on outboard midplane (krad/s)
Impurity ion toroidal angular velocity on outboard midplane (krad/s)
- WEB:
ExB frequency (krad/s)
- NI:
Impurity ion number density (10^20/m^3)
- N:
Ion atomic number
- Z:
Ion charge (units of e)
- A:
Ion mass number
Fields can occur in any order. Additional fields are ignored.
cFile Format¶
- PSI:
Normalized poloidal flux
Perpendicular toroidal momentum diffusivity (m^2/s)
- CHI_E:
Perpendicular electron energy diffusivity (m^2/s)
Perpendicular particle diffusivity (m^2/s)
- CHI_I:
Perpendicular ion energy diffusivity (m^2/s)
Short Description¶
Description of RESCALE namelist
Namelist Variables¶
Rescaling type (1=density, 2=temperature, 3=size, 4=chi, 5=pressure, 6=wE, 7=q)
Rescaling factor (TYPE=1,2,3,4)
Pressure profile shift factor (kPa) (TYPE=5)
ExB frequency profile shift factor (krad/s) (TYPE=6)
- Q95
Target safety-factor at 95% flux surface (TYPE=7)
Flag for recalculating O-point position in rescaled equilibirum
Flag for recalculating X-point position in rescaled equilibirum