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Let us now consider the application of statistical thermodynamics to electromagnetic
radiation. According to Maxwell's theory, an electromagnetic wave is a coupled
oscillation of electric and magnetic fields which propagates though a vacuum at
the speed of light,
. The electric
component of the wave can be written
{\bf E} = {\bf E}_0 \exp[\,{\rm i}\,({\bf k}\!\cdot \!{\bf r} - \omega\, t)],
\end{displaymath}](img1463.png) |
(631) |
is a constant,
is the wave-vector which determines
the wavelength and direction of propagation of the wave, and
the frequency. The dispersion relation
(632) |
ensures that the wave propagates at the speed of light. Note that this dispersion
relation is very similar to that of sound waves in solids [see Eq. (508)].
Electromagnetic waves always propagate in the direction perpendicular to the
coupled electric and magnetic fields (i.e.,
electromagnetic waves are transverse waves).
This means that
. Thus, once
is specified,
there are only two possible
directions for the electric field.
These correspond to the two independent polarizations of electromagnetic waves.
Consider an enclosure whose walls are maintained at fixed
. What is the nature of the
steady-state electromagnetic radiation inside
the enclosure? Suppose that the enclosure is a parallelepiped with
sides of lengths
, and
. Alternatively, suppose that the
radiation field inside the enclosure is periodic in the
-, and
with periodicity lengths
, and
, respectively. As long as the
smallest of these lengths,
, say, is much greater than the longest wavelength
of interest in the problem,
, then these assumptions should not
affect the nature of the radiation inside the enclosure. We find, just as in
our earlier discussion of sound waves (see Sect. 7.12), that the periodicity constraints ensure that
there are only a discrete set of allowed wave-vectors (i.e., a discrete
set of allowed modes of oscillation of the electromagnetic field inside the
be the number of allowed modes per unit volume
with wave-vectors in the range
. We know,
by analogy with
Eq. (514), that
(633) |
The number of modes per unit volume for which the magnitude of
the wave-vector lies in the range
is just the density of modes,
multiplied by the ``volume'' in
-space of the spherical shell
lying between radii
. Thus,
(634) |
Finally, the number of modes per unit volume whose frequencies lie between
is, by Eq. (632),
(635) |
Here, the additional
factor 2 is to take account of the two independent polarizations
of the electromagnetic field for a given wave-vector
Let us consider the situation classically. By analogy with sound waves, we can treat
each allowable mode of oscillation of the electromagnetic field as an independent
harmonic oscillator. According to the equipartition theorem
(see Sect. 7.8), each mode possesses a
mean energy
in thermal equilibrium at temperature
. In fact,
resides with the oscillating electric field, and another
the oscillating magnetic field.
the classical energy density of electromagnetic radiation (i.e., the
energy per unit volume associated with modes whose frequencies lie in the
) is
(636) |
This result is known as the Rayleigh-Jeans radiation law, after Lord Rayleigh
and James Jeans who first proposed it in the late nineteenth century.
According to Debye theory (see Sect. 7.12),
the energy density of sound waves in a solid is
analogous to the Rayleigh-Jeans law, with one very important difference.
In Debye theory
there is a cut-off frequency (the Debye frequency) above which
no modes exist. This cut-off comes about because of the discrete nature of
solids (i.e., because solids
are made up of atoms instead of being continuous).
It is, of course,
impossible to have sound waves whose wavelengths are much less than
the inter-atomic spacing.
On the other hand, electromagnetic waves propagate through a vacuum,
which possesses no discrete structure. It follows that
there is no cut-off frequency for electromagnetic waves, and so the Rayleigh-Jeans
law holds for all frequencies. This immediately poses a severe problem. The total
classical energy density of electromagnetic radiation is given by
(637) |
This is an integral which obviously does not converge. Thus, according to classical
physics, the total energy density of electromagnetic radiation inside an enclosed cavity
is infinite! This is clearly an absurd result, and was recognized as such
in the latter half of the nineteenth century. In fact, this prediction
is known as the ultra-violet catastrophe, because the Rayleigh-Jeans
law usually starts to diverge badly from experimental
observations (by over-estimating the amount of radiation) in the
ultra-violet region of the spectrum.
So, how do we obtain a sensible answer? Well, as usual, quantum mechanics comes
to our rescue. According to quantum mechanics,
each allowable mode of oscillation of the
electromagnetic field corresponds to a photon state with energy and
Incidentally, it follows from Eq. (632) that
(640) |
which implies that photons are massless particles which move at the speed of
According to the Planck distribution (602), the mean number of
photons occupying a photon state of frequency
(641) |
Hence, the mean energy of such a state is given by
(642) |
Note that low frequency states (i.e.,
) behave
classically: i.e.,
(643) |
On the other hand, high frequency states (i.e.,
are completely ``frozen out'': i.e.,
(644) |
The reason for this is simply that it is very difficult for a thermal
fluctuation to create a photon with an energy greatly in excess of
is the characteristic energy associated with such fluctuations.
According to the above discussion, the true energy density of
electromagnetic radiation inside an enclosed cavity is written
(645) |
(646) |
This is famous
result is known as the Planck radiation law.
The Planck law approximates to the
classical Rayleigh-Jeans law for
, peaks at about
, and falls off exponentially for
The exponential fall off at high frequencies ensures that the total energy density
remains finite.
Next: Black-body radiation
Up: Quantum statistics
Previous: Quantum statistics in the
Richard Fitzpatrick