Next: Energy-Shifts and Decay-Widths
Up: Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
Previous: Dyson Series
Sudden Perturbations
Consider, for example, a constant perturbation that is suddenly switched on at time
is time-independent, but is generally a function of
the position,
momentum, and spin operators. Suppose that the system is definitely
in state
at time
. According to Equations (795)-(797) (with
![$\displaystyle P_{i\rightarrow n}(t) \simeq \vert c_n^{(1)}\vert^{\,2} = \frac{4...
...vert E_n - E_i\vert^{\,2}}\, \sin^2\left[ \frac{(E_n-E_i)\,t}{2\,\hbar}\right],$](img1894.png) |
(804) |
The transition probability between states
can be written
![$\displaystyle P_{i\rightarrow n}(t) = \frac{\vert H_{ni}\vert^{\,2} \,t^2}{\hbar^2} \,{\rm sinc}^2\left[ \frac{(E_n-E_i)\,t}{2\,\hbar}\right],$](img1895.png) |
(805) |
(806) |
The sinc function is highly oscillatory, and decays like
at large
. It is a good approximation to say that
is small except when
. It follows that the
transition probability,
, is small except when
(807) |
Note that in the limit
only those transitions
that conserve energy (i.e.,
) have an appreciable
probability of occurrence. At finite
, is is possible to
have transitions which do not exactly conserve energy, provided that
(808) |
is the change in energy of the system associated
with the transition, and
is the time elapsed since the
perturbation was switched on. This result is just a manifestation
of the well-known uncertainty relation for energy and time. Incidentally, the energy-time
uncertainty relation is fundamentally different to the position-momentum
uncertainty relation, because (in non-relativistic quantum mechanics)
position and momentum are operators, whereas time is merely a parameter.
The probability of a transition that conserves energy (i.e.,
(809) |
where use has been made of
. Note that this probability
grows quadratically with time. This result is somewhat surprising, because
it implies that the probability of a transition occurring in a fixed
time interval,
, grows linearly with
, despite the fact that
is constant for
. In practice, there is usually a group of
final states, all possessing nearly the same energy as the energy of the
initial state
. It is helpful to define the density of
, where the number of final states lying in the
energy range
is given by
. Thus, the
probability of a transition from the initial state
to any of
the continuum of possible final states is
(810) |
(811) |
(812) |
and use has been made of Equation (805). We know that in the limit
the function
is only non-zero in an infinitesimally
narrow range of final energies centered on
. It follows that, in this limit,
we can take
out of the integral in the above
formula to obtain
![$\displaystyle P_{i\rightarrow[n]} (t) = \left.\frac{2\pi}{\hbar}\, \overline{\vert H_{ni}\vert^{\,2}} \,\rho(E_n)\,t\, \right\vert _{E_n\simeq E_i},$](img1920.png) |
(813) |
denotes the transition probability between
the initial state
and all final states
that have approximately the same energy
as the initial state.
is the average of
all final states with approximately the same energy as the initial state.
In deriving the above formula, we have made use of the result
(814) |
Note that the transition probability,
is now proportional to
, instead
It is convenient to define the transition rate, which is simply
the transition probability per unit time. Thus,
![$\displaystyle w_{i\rightarrow [n]} = \frac{d P_{i\rightarrow [n]}}{dt},$](img1925.png) |
(815) |
![$\displaystyle w_{i\rightarrow [n]} = \left.\frac{2\pi}{\hbar}\, \overline{\vert H_{ni}\vert^{\,2}} \,\rho(E_n) \right\vert _{E_n\simeq E_i}.$](img1926.png) |
(816) |
This appealingly simple result is known as Fermi's golden rule.
Note that the transition rate is constant in time (for
i.e., the probability of a transition occurring in the time interval
is independent of
for fixed
Fermi's golden rule is sometimes written
(817) |
where it is understood that this formula must be integrated
to obtain the actual transition rate.
Let us now calculate the second-order term in the Dyson series, using the
constant perturbation (801). From Equation (797) we find that
where use has been made of Equation (803). It follows, by analogy with the
previous analysis, that
![$\displaystyle w_{i\rightarrow [n]} =\left. \frac{2\pi}{\hbar}\, \overline{ \lef...
...\,H_{mi}}{E_m - E_i}\right\vert^{\,2}} \rho(E_n) \right\vert _{E_n \simeq E_i},$](img1936.png) |
(820) |
where the transition rate is calculated for all final states,
, with
approximately the same energy as the initial state,
, and for
intermediate states,
whose energies differ from that of
the initial state. The fact that
causes the last term on the
right-hand side of Equation (819) to average to zero (due to the oscillatory
phase-factor) during the evaluation of the transition probability.
According to Equation (820), a second-order transition takes place in
two steps. First, the system makes a non-energy-conserving transition to
some intermediate state
. Subsequently, the system makes another
non-energy-conserving transition to the final state
. The net
transition, from
, conserves energy. The
non-energy-conserving transitions are generally termed virtual
transitions, whereas the energy conserving first-order transition
is termed a real transition. The above formula clearly breaks down
. This problem can be avoided by
gradually turning on the perturbation: i.e.,
is very small). The net result is to change the energy
denominator in Equation (820) from
Next: Energy-Shifts and Decay-Widths
Up: Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
Previous: Dyson Series
Richard Fitzpatrick