Next: Free Electron Motion
Up: Relativistic Electron Theory
Previous: Dirac Equation
Consider two inertial frames,
. Let the
be the space-time coordinates of a given event in each frame, respectively.
These coordinates are related via a Lorentz transformation, which takes the general form
(1145) |
where the
are real numerical coefficients that are independent of the
We also have
(1146) |
Now, since [see Equation (1102)]
(1147) |
it follows that
(1148) |
Moreover, it is easily shown that
By definition, a 4-vector
has analogous transformation properties to the
. Thus,
In frame
, the Dirac equation is written
![$\displaystyle \left[\gamma^{\,\mu}\left(p_\mu- \frac{e}{c}\,{\mit\Phi}_\mu\right)-m_e\,c\right]\psi = 0.$](img2669.png) |
(1153) |
be the wavefunction in frame
. Suppose that
(1154) |
is a
transformation matrix that is independent of the
. (Hence,
commutes with the
and the
Multiplying (1153) by
, we obtain
![$\displaystyle \left[A\,\gamma^{\,\mu}\,A^{-1}\left(p_\mu- \frac{e}{c}\,{\mit\Phi}_\mu\right)-m_e\,c\right]\psi' = 0.$](img2674.png) |
(1155) |
Hence, given that the
are the covariant components of 4-vectors, we obtain
![$\displaystyle \left[A\,\gamma^{\,\mu}\,A^{-1}\,a^\nu_{~\mu}\left(p_{\nu'}- \frac{e}{c}\,{\mit\Phi}_{\nu'}\right)-m_e\,c\right]\psi' = 0.$](img2675.png) |
(1156) |
Suppose that
(1157) |
which is equivalent to
(1158) |
Here, we have assumed that the
commute with
and the
(since they are just numbers). If (1157)
holds then (1156) becomes
![$\displaystyle \left[\gamma^{\,\mu}\left(p_{\mu'}- \frac{e}{c}\,{\mit\Phi}_{\mu'}\right)-m_e\,c\right]\psi' = 0.$](img2679.png) |
(1159) |
A comparison of this equation with (1153) reveals that the Dirac equation takes the same form in frames
. In other words, the
Dirac equation is Lorentz invariant. Incidentally, it is clear from (1153) and (1159) that the
matrices are
the same in all inertial frames.
It remains to find a transformation matrix
that satisfies (1158). Consider an infinitesimal Lorentz transformation, for which
(1160) |
where the
are real numerical coefficients that are independent of the
, and are also small compared to unity. To first order in small quantities, (1148) yields
(1161) |
Let us write
(1162) |
where the
matrices. To first order in small
(1163) |
Moreover, it follows from (1161) that
(1164) |
To first order in small quantities, Equations (1158), (1160), (1162), and (1163) yield
(1165) |
Hence, making use of the symmetry property (1161), we obtain
(1166) |
Since this equation must hold for arbitrary
, we deduce that
![$\displaystyle 2\,{\rm i}\,(g^\nu_{~\alpha}\,\gamma_\beta -g^\nu_{~\beta}\,\gamma_\alpha) = [\gamma^\nu, \sigma_{\alpha\,\beta}].$](img2692.png) |
(1167) |
Making use of the anti-commutation relations (1122), it can be shown that a suitable solution of the above
equation is
![$\displaystyle \sigma_{\mu\,\nu} = \frac{{\rm i}}{2}\,[\gamma_\mu,\gamma_\nu].$](img2693.png) |
(1168) |
Now that we have found the correct transformation rules for an infinitesimal Lorentz transformation, we can easily find those for a
finite transformation by building it up from a large number of successive infinitesimal transforms.
Making use of (1127), as well as
, the Hermitian conjugate of (1169) can be shown
to take the form
![$\displaystyle A^\dag = 1-\frac{1}{8}\,\gamma^0\,[\gamma_\mu,\gamma_\nu]\,\gamma^0\,{\mit\Delta}\omega^{\,\mu\,\nu} = \gamma^0\,A^{-1}\,\gamma^0.$](img2699.png) |
(1171) |
Hence, (1158) yields
(1172) |
It follows that
(1173) |
(1174) |
which implies that
(1175) |
where the
are defined in Equation (1139). This proves that the
transform as the contravariant components
of a 4-vector.
Next: Free Electron Motion
Up: Relativistic Electron Theory
Previous: Dirac Equation
Richard Fitzpatrick