Let us consider wave propagation, though a warm
plasma, parallel to the equilibrium magnetic field. For parallel propagation,
, and, hence, from Equation (7.84),
Making use of Equation (7.88), the matrix
simplifies to
![$\displaystyle T_{\alpha\beta} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc}
...)+Z(\xi_{-1})]/2, & 0 \\ [0.5ex]
0, & 0,
\end{array}\right),$](img2441.png) |
(7.92) |
where, again, the only non-zero contributions are from
The dispersion relation can be written [see Equations (5.9) and (5.10)]
![$\displaystyle {\bf M}\cdot {\bf E} \equiv \left[\left(\frac{c}{\omega}\right)^2...
...-\left(\frac{c\,k}{\omega}\right)^2{\bf I}+{\bf K}\right]\cdot{\bf E} = {\bf0},$](img2442.png) |
(7.93) |
The first root of Equation (7.93) is
![$\displaystyle 1 +\sum_s\frac{2\,{\mit\Pi}_s^{2}}
{(k_\parallel\,v_s)^2} \left[1...
...ga}{k_\parallel\,v_s}\,Z\left(\frac{\omega}{k_\parallel\,v_s}\right)\right] =0,$](img2450.png) |
(7.97) |
with the eigenvector
Here, use has been made of Equation (7.41).
This root evidentially corresponds to
a longitudinal, electrostatic plasma wave. In fact, it is easily
demonstrated that Equation (7.97) is equivalent to the dispersion relation
(7.49) that we found earlier for electrostatic
plasma waves, for the special case in which the distribution
functions are Maxwellians. The analysis of Section 7.4 implies that the
electrostatic wave described by the previous expression is subject to
significant damping whenever the argument of the plasma dispersion
function becomes less than or comparable with unity: that is, whenever
The second and third roots of Equation (7.93) are
(7.98) |
with the eigenvector
, and
(7.99) |
with the eigenvector
. The former root evidently
corresponds to a right-handed circularly polarized wave, whereas the latter
root corresponds to a left-handed circularly polarized wave.
The previous two dispersion relations are essentially the same as the corresponding
fluid dispersion relations, (5.90) and (5.91), except that they explicitly
contain collisionless damping at the cyclotron resonances. Roughly speaking, the
damping is significant whenever the arguments of the plasma dispersion functions
are less than or of order unity. This corresponds to
(7.100) |
for the right-handed wave, and
(7.101) |
for the left-handed wave.
The collisionless cyclotron damping mechanism is similar to the
Landau damping mechanism for longitudinal waves discussed in Section 7.3.
In the former case, the resonant particles are those that gyrate about the magnetic
field at approximately the same angular frequency as the wave electric field.
Note that, in kinetic theory,
the cyclotron resonances
possess a finite width in frequency space (i.e., the incident wave does
not have to oscillate at exactly the cyclotron frequency in order for there
to be an absorption of wave energy by the plasma), unlike in the cold plasma
model, where the resonances possess zero width.