Collision Operator
Plasma physics can be regarded formally as a closure of Maxwell's equations
by means of constitutive relations: that is, expressions
specifying the charge density,
, and the current density,
, in terms of
the electric and magnetic fields,
(Hazeltine and Waelbroeck 2004). Such relations can be expressed in terms of the microscopic distribution functions,
, for each plasma species:
is the exact microscopic phase-space
density of plasma species
(with charge
and mass
) near
at time
(Reif 1965). The distribution
is normalized such that its velocity integral is equal to the
particle number density in coordinate space. In other words,
(3.3) |
is the number (per unit volume) of species-
near point
at time
If we could determine each
in terms of the
electromagnetic fields then Equations (3.1) and (3.2) would give us the
desired constitutive relations. In fact, the time evolution of the various distribution functions is determined
by particle conservation in phase-space, which requires that (Reif 1965)
(3.4) |
(3.5) |
is the species-
particle acceleration under the influence of the
Equation (3.4) is easy to derive because it is exact, taking into
account all lengthscales from the microscopic to the macroscopic. Note, in
particular, that there is no statistical averaging involved in Equation (3.4).
It follows that the microscopic distribution function,
, is
essentially a sum of Dirac delta-functions, each following the
detailed trajectory of a single particle. Consequently, the electromagnetic
fields appearing in Equation (3.4) are extremely spiky on microscopic scales. In fact, solving Equation (3.4) is equivalent to solving the classical
electromagnetic many-body problem, which is a completely hopeless task.
A much more useful equation can be extracted from Equation (3.4)
by ensemble averaging (Reif 1965). The average distribution function,
(3.6) |
is smooth on microscopic lengthscales, and is closely related to actual experimental measurements. Here, angle brackets denote
an ensemble average.
Similarly, the ensemble-averaged electromagnetic fields are also smooth.
Unfortunately, the extraction of an ensemble-averaged
equation from Equation (3.4) is mathematically challenging, and invariably
involves some level of approximation (Balescu 1960; Boboliubov 1946; Lenard 1960). The problem is that, because the
exact electromagnetic fields depend on particle trajectories,
are not statistically independent of
. In other
words, as a consequence of correlations between the distribution function and the electromagnetic fields on microscopic lengthscales,
the ensemble average of the nonlinear acceleration term in Equation (3.4) is such that
(3.7) |
It is convenient to write
(3.8) |
is an operator that
accounts for the correlations. Because the most important correlations result from
close encounters between particles,
is known as the collision operator
(for species
It is not generally a linear operator, and usually involves the distribution
functions of both colliding species (the subscript in the
argument of
is omitted for this reason). Hence, the ensemble-averaged
version of Equation (3.4) is written
(3.9) |
are now understood to be the smooth, ensemble-averaged electromagnetic fields.
Of course, in a weakly coupled plasma, the dominant collisions are two-particle Coulomb collisions.
Equation (3.9) is generally known as the kinetic equation.