Center of Mass
The center of mass of a dynamical system is an imaginary point whose coordinates are the
mass-weighted average of the coordinates of the system's constituent particles. It follows that
the displacement of the center of mass is
(1.68) |
The velocity of the center of mass, which is obtained by differentiating the previous expression with respect to
time, is
(1.69) |
(1.70) |
is the total mass of the system. Likewise, the acceleration of the center of mass is
(1.71) |
A comparison of Equations (1.66) and (1.71) reveals that
(1.72) |
We conclude that the center of mass moves like a particle of mass
subject to the net external
, acting on the system. In particular, the motion of the center of mass is completely
unaffected by the internal forces that the system's constituent particle exert on one another.