Next: Multi-Function Variation
Up: Hamiltonian Dynamics
Previous: Calculus of Variations
Suppose that we wish to find the function
maximizes or minimizes the functional
(691) |
subject to the constraint that the value of
(692) |
remains constant. We can achieve our goal by finding an extremum of the new functional
, where
is an undetermined function. We know
, since the value of
is fixed, so if
as well. In other words, finding an extremum of
is equivalent
to finding an extremum of
. Application of the Euler-Lagrange
equation yields
\frac{d}{dx}\!\left(\frac{\partial F}{\partial y'}\right)-\f...
...y'}\right)-\frac{\partial [\lambda\,G]}{\partial y}\right]= 0.
\end{displaymath}](img1756.png) |
(693) |
In principle, the above equation, together with the constraint (692),
yields the functions
. Incidentally,
is generally
termed a Lagrange multiplier. If
have no explicit
-dependence then
is usually a constant.
As an example, consider the following famous problem. Suppose that a uniform
chain of fixed length
is suspended by its ends from
two equal-height fixed points which are a distance
apart, where
What is the equilibrium configuration of the chain?
Suppose that the chain has the uniform density per unit length
Let the
- and
-axes be horizontal and vertical, respectively, and
let the two ends of the chain lie at
. The equilibrium configuration of the chain is specified by the function
, for
, where
is the vertical distance of the chain below its end points at horizontal
. Of course,
According to the discussion in Section 3.2, the stable equilibrium
state of a conservative dynamical system is one which minimizes
the system's potential energy. Now, the potential energy of the chain
is written
U = - \rho\,g\,\int y\,ds = - \rho\,g\,\int_{-a/2}^{a/2} y\,[1+y'^{\,2}]^{1/2}\,dx,
\end{displaymath}](img1761.png) |
(694) |
is an element of length along the chain, and
is the acceleration due to gravity.
Hence, we need to minimize
with respect to small variations in
However, the variations in
must be such as to conserve the
fixed length of the chain. Hence, our minimization procedure is subject to
the constraint that
l = \int ds = \int_{-a/2}^{a/2}[1+y'^{\,2}]^{1/2}\,dx
\end{displaymath}](img1763.png) |
(695) |
remains constant.
It follows, from the above discussion, that we need to minimize the
K = U + \lambda\,l = \int_{-a/2}^{a/2}(-\rho\,g\,y+\lambda)\,[1+y'^{\,2}]^{1/2}\,dx,
\end{displaymath}](img1764.png) |
(696) |
is an, as yet, undetermined constant. Since the integrand
in the functional does not depend explicitly on
, we have
from Equation (688) that
y'^{\,2}\,(-\rho\,g\,y+\lambda)\,[1+y'^{\,2}]^{-1/2} - (-\rho\,g\,y+\lambda)\,[1+y'^{\,2}]^{1/2} = k,
\end{displaymath}](img1765.png) |
(697) |
is a constant. This expression reduces to
(698) |
, and
(699) |
Making this substitution, Equation (698) yields
(700) |
(701) |
is a constant. It follows from Equation (699) that
y(x) =-h\,[\lambda' + \cosh(-x/h + c)].
\end{displaymath}](img1772.png) |
(702) |
The above solution contains three undetermined constants,
, and
. We can
eliminate two of these constants by application of the boundary
. This yields
(703) |
, and
. It follows that
y(x) = h\,[\cosh(a/2\,h) - \cosh(x/h)].
\end{displaymath}](img1778.png) |
(704) |
The final unknown constant,
, is determined via the application of
the constraint (695). Thus,
l= \int_{-a/2}^{a/2}[1+y'^{\,2}]^{1/2}\,dx = \int_{-a/2}^{a/2} \cosh(x/h) \,dx = 2\,h\,\sinh(a/2\,h).
\end{displaymath}](img1779.png) |
(705) |
Hence, the equilibrium configuration of the chain is given by the curve
(704), which is known as a catenary, where the parameter
(706) |
Next: Multi-Function Variation
Up: Hamiltonian Dynamics
Previous: Calculus of Variations
Richard Fitzpatrick