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Consider the simple model of a linear triatomic molecule (e.g., carbon
dioxide) illustrated in Figure 38. The molecule consists
of a central atom of mass
flanked by two identical atoms of
. The atomic bonds are represented as springs of spring constant
The linear displacements of the flanking atoms are
whilst that of the central atom is
. Let us investigate the linear modes of oscillation our model molecule.
Figure 38:
A model triatomic molecule.
The kinetic energy of the molecule is written
(840) |
whereas the potential energy takes the form
(841) |
Clearly, we have a three degree of freedom dynamical system. However, we
can reduce this to a two degree of freedom system by only considering
oscillatory modes of motion, and, hence, neglecting translational modes. We can achieve this by demanding that the center
of mass of the system remains stationary. In other words, we require that
(842) |
This constraint can be rearranged to give
(843) |
from Equations (840) and (841), we obtain
K = \frac{m}{2}\left[(1+\alpha)\,\dot{q}_1^{\,2} + 2\,\alpha\,\dot{q}_1\,\dot{q}_2 + (1+\alpha)\,\dot{q}_2^{\,2}\right],
\end{displaymath}](img2033.png) |
(844) |
U = \frac{k}{2}\left[(1+2\,\alpha+2\,\alpha^2)\,q_1^{\,2} + ...
...alpha)\,q_1\,q_2 +(1+2\,\alpha+2\,\alpha^2)\,q_2^{\,2}\right],
\end{displaymath}](img2034.png) |
(845) |
respectively, where
A comparison of the above expressions with the standard
forms (775) and (780) yields the following
expressions for the mass matrix,
, and the force matrix,
Now, the equation of motion of the system takes the form [see Equation (786)]
(848) |
is the column vector of the
The solubility condition for the above equation is
(849) |
which yields the following quadratic equation for the eigenvalue
(1+2\,\alpha)\,\left[m^2\,\lambda^2 + 2\,m\,k\,(1+\alpha)\,\lambda + k^2\,(1+2\alpha)\right] = 0.
\end{displaymath}](img2038.png) |
(850) |
The two roots of the above equation are
The fact that the roots are negative implies that both normal modes are indeed
oscillatory in nature. The characteristic oscillation frequencies are
Equation (848) can now be solved, subject to the normalization
condition (799), to give the two eigenvectors:
Thus, we conclude from Equations (843) and (853)-(856) that our model molecule possesses two normal modes of oscillation. The first mode oscillates at the frequency
, and
is an anti-symmetric mode in which
In other words, in this mode of oscillation, the two end atoms move in opposite
directions whilst the central atom remains stationary. The second mode oscillates at the frequency
, and is a mixed symmetry mode in which
. In other words, in this mode of oscillation, the
two end atoms move in the same direction whilst the central atom moves
in the opposite direction.
Finally, it is easily demonstrated that the normal coordinates of the system
When expressed in terms of these coordinates,
reduce to
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Up: Coupled Oscillations
Previous: Spring-Coupled Masses
Richard Fitzpatrick