Next: One-Dimensional Motion
Up: Newton's Laws of Motion
Previous: Non-Isolated Systems
- Consider an isolated system of
point objects interacting via
gravity. Let the mass and position vector of the
th object be
, respectively. What is the vector equation
of motion of the
th object? Write expressions for the total
kinetic energy,
, and potential energy,
, of the system.
Demonstrate from the equations of motion that
is a conserved quantity.
- Consider a function of many variables
Such a function which satisfies
for all
, and all values of the
, is termed a homogenous function of degree
Prove the following theorem regarding homogeneous functions:
- Consider an isolated system of
point objects interacting via
attractive central forces. Let the mass and position vector of the
th object be
, respectively. Suppose that magnitude of the force exerted on object
. Here, the
some constant physical
property of the particles (e.g., their electric charges). Write
an expression for the total potential energy
of the system. Is
this a homogenous function? If so, what is its degree?
Write the equation of motion of the
th particle. Use the mathematical
theorem from the previous exercise to demonstrate that
, and
is the kinetic energy.
This result is known as the virial theorem.
Demonstrate that there are no bound steady-state equilibria for the system (i.e., states in which
the global system parameters do not evolve in time)
- A star can be through of as a spherical system that consists of a very large number of particles interacting
via gravity. Show that, for such a system, the virial theorem, introduced in the previous exercise, implies that
is a constant, and the
are measured from the geometric center. Hence, deduce that the angular frequency of small amplitude radial pulsations
of the star (in which the radial displacement is directly proportional to the radial distance from the center) takes the form
are the equilibrium values of
. Finally, show that if the mass
density within the star varies as
, where
is the radial distance from the geometric center, and where
, then
are the stellar mass and radius, respectively.
- Consider a system of
point particles. Let the
th particle have mass
, electric
, and position vector
. Suppose that the charge to
mass ratio,
, is the same for all particles. The system is placed
in a uniform magnetic field
. Write the equation
of motion of the
th particle. You may neglect any magnetic fields generated by the motion of the particles. Demonstrate that the total momentum
of the system precesses about
at the frequency
. Demonstrate that
is a constant of the motion. Here,
is the total angular momentum of the system parallel to the magnetic
field, and
is the moment of inertia of the system about
an axis parallel to
which passes through the origin.
Next: One-Dimensional Motion
Up: Newton's Laws of Motion
Previous: Non-Isolated Systems
Richard Fitzpatrick