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Up: Two-Dimensional Potential Flow
Previous: Method of Images
Conformal Maps
, where
, and
are real. Suppose that
, where
is a well-behaved (i.e., single-valued, non-singular, and differentiable) function. We can think
as a map from the complex
-plane to the complex
-plane. In other words, every point
in the complex
-plane maps to a corresponding point
in the complex
-plane. Moreover,
is indeed a well-behaved function then this mapping is unique, and also has a unique inverse. Suppose that the point
in the
-plane maps to the point
in the
-plane. Let us investigate how neighboring points map.
We have
In other words, the points
in the complex
-plane map to the
in the complex
-plane, respectively. If
. Hence,
(6.57) |
Thus, it follows that
(6.58) |
(6.59) |
We can think of
as infinitesimal vectors connecting neighboring points in the complex
to the point
. Likewise,
are infinitesimal vectors connecting the corresponding points in the complex
-plane. It is clear, from the previous two equations, that, in the vicinity of
, the mapping from the complex
-plane to
the complex
-plane is such that the lengths of
expand or contract by the same factor, and
the angle subtended between these two vectors remains the same. (See Figure 6.7.) This type of mapping is termed conformal.
Figure 6.7:
A conformal map.
Suppose that
is a well-behaved function of the complex variable
. It follows
. Hence, the functions
can be interpreted
as the velocity potential and stream function, respectively, of some two-dimensional, incompressible, irrotational flow pattern, where
are Cartesian coordinates.
However, if
, where
is well-behaved, then
, where
is also well-behaved. It follows that
. In other words, the functions
can be interpreted
as the velocity potential and stream function, respectively, of some new, two-dimensional, incompressible, irrotational flow pattern, where
are Cartesian coordinates. In other words, we can use a conformal map to convert a given two-dimensional, incompressible, irrotational flow pattern into another, quite different, pattern.
Incidentally, a conformal map converts a line source into a line source of the same strength, and a vortex filament into a vortex filament of the same intensity. (See Exercise 12.)
As an example, consider the conformal map
(6.60) |
, it is easily demonstrated that
Hence, the positive
-axis (
) maps to the line
, the negative
-axis (
) maps to the line
, and the region
) maps to the region
. Moreover, the points
map to the points
. (See Figure 6.8.) As we saw in Section 6.6,
in the region
the velocity potential
(6.61) |
corresponds to the flow pattern generated by a vortex filament of intensity
, located at the
, in the presence of a rigid plane at
. Hence,
(6.62) |
corresponds to the flow pattern generated by a vortex filament of intensity
, located at the origin,
in the presence of two rigid planes at
. This follows because the line
is mapped to
the lines
, and the point
is mapped to the origin. Moreover, if the line
is a streamline in the
-plane then
the lines
are also streamlines in the
-plane. Thus, these lines could all correspond to rigid boundaries.
The stream function associated with the previous
complex velocity potential,
![$\displaystyle \psi(x,y)= \frac{{\mit\Gamma}}{\pi}\,\ln\left[\frac{\cosh(\pi\,x\,a)-\cos(\pi\,y/a) }{\cosh(\pi\,x/a)+\cos(\pi\,y/a)}\right],$](img2109.png) |
(6.63) |
is shown in Figure 6.9.
The conformal map
Stream lines of the two-dimensional flow pattern due to a vortex filament at the origin in the presence
of two rigid planes at
As a second example, consider the map
(6.64) |
This maps the positive
-axis to the positive
-axis, the negative
-axis to the positive
-axis, the
to the region
, and the point
to the point
As we saw in Section 6.6,
in the region
the velocity potential
(6.65) |
corresponds to the flow pattern generated by a line source of strength
, located at the
, in the presence of a rigid plane at
. Thus, the complex
velocity potential
(6.66) |
corresponds to the flow pattern generated by a line source of strength
, located
at the point
, in the presence of two orthogonal rigid planes at
The stream function associated with the previous complex potential,
![$\displaystyle \psi(x,y) = -\frac{Q}{2\pi}\,\tan^{-1}\left[\frac{4\,x\,y\,(x^{\,2}-y^{\,2})}{x^{\,4}-6\,x^{\,2}\,y^{\,2}+y^{\,4}+4\,a^{\,4}}\right],$](img2119.png) |
(6.67) |
is shown in Figure 6.10.
Stream lines of the two-dimensional flow pattern due to a line source at
in the presence
of two rigid planes at
As a final example, consider the map
(6.68) |
is real and positive. Writing
, we find that
Thus, the map converts the circle
in the
-plane, where
, into the ellipse
(6.71) |
in the
Note that the center of the ellipse lies at the origin, and its major and minor axes run parallel to the
- and the
respectively. As we saw in Section 6.4, in the
-plane, the complex velocity potential
(6.74) |
represents uniform flow of unperturbed speed
, running parallel to the
-axis, around a circular cylinder
of radius
, centered on the origin. Thus, assuming that
, in the
-plane, the potential represents uniform flow of unperturbed speed
, running parallel to the
-axis [which follows because at large
the map (6.68) reduces to
, and so the flow at large distances from the origin is the same in the complex
- and
-planes], around
an elliptical cylinder of major radius
, aligned along the
-axis, and minor
, aligned along the
-axis. Note that
. The corresponding stream function in the
-plane is
(6.75) |
Figure 6.11 shows the streamlines of the flow pattern calculated for
Stream lines of the two-dimensional flow pattern due to uniform flow parallel to the
around an elliptical cylinder.
Next: Schwarz-Christoffel Theorem
Up: Two-Dimensional Potential Flow
Previous: Method of Images
Richard Fitzpatrick