Wave Interference
What is the relationship between traveling wave and standing
wave solutions to the wave equation, (6.1), in an infinite medium? To help answer this question, let us form a superposition of two traveling wave solutions
of equal amplitude
, and zero phase angle
, that have the same wavenumber
, but are moving in opposite directions. In other words,
(6.19) |
Because the wave equation, (6.1), is linear, the previous superposition is a valid solution
provided the two component waves are also valid solutions; that is, provided
, which we shall assume to be the case. Making
use of the trigonometric identity
(see Appendix B),
the previous expression can also be written
(6.20) |
which is a standing wave [cf., Equation (6.2)]. Evidently, a standing wave is a linear
superposition of two, otherwise identical, traveling waves that propagate in opposite
directions. The two waves completely cancel one another out at the nodes, which
are situated at
, where
is an integer. This process is known as total
destructive interference. On the other hand, the waves reinforce one another
at the anti-nodes, which are situated at
, generating a wave
whose amplitude is twice that of the component waves. This process
is known as constructive interference.
As a more general example of wave interference, consider a superposition
of two traveling waves of unequal amplitudes which again have the same wavenumber
and zero phase angle,
and are moving in opposite directions; that is,
(6.21) |
In this case, the trigonometric identities
(see Appendix B) yield
(6.22) |
Thus, the two waves interfere destructively at
[i.e., at points where
] to produce a minimum wave amplitude
, and interfere constructively
[i.e., at points where
] to produce a maximum wave amplitude
. It can
be seen
that the destructive interference is incomplete unless
. Incidentally, it is a general
result that if two waves of amplitude
interfere then
the maximum and minimum possible values of the resulting wave amplitude are
, respectively.