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Up: Motion in 3 dimensions
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Question: A cannon placed on a 50m high cliff
fires a cannonball over the edge of the cliff at
making an angle
to the horizontal. How long is the cannonball in the air? Neglect
air resistance.
Answer: In order to answer this question we need only consider the cannonball's
vertical motion. At
(i.e., the time of firing) the cannonball's height off the
ground is
m and its velocity component in the vertical direction is
. Moreover,
the cannonball is accelerating vertically downwards at
The equation of vertical motion of the cannonball is written
is the cannonball's height off the ground at time
. The time of flight
of the cannonball corresponds to the time
at which
. In other words,
the time of flight is the solution of the quadratic equation
Here, we have neglected the unphysical negative root of our quadratic equation.
Next: Worked example 3.4: Hail
Up: Motion in 3 dimensions
Previous: Worked example 3.2: Gallileo's
Richard Fitzpatrick