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Rotation Operators
Consider a particle whose position is described by the spherical polar coordinates
. The classical momentum conjugate to the azimuthal
is the
-component of angular momentum,
According to Section 2.5, in quantum mechanics we can always adopt the Schrödinger
representation, for which ket space is spanned by the simultaneous eigenkets
of the position operators
, and
, and
takes the
(346) |
We can do this because there is nothing in Section 2.5 which specifies that
we have to use Cartesian coordinates--the representation (165) works for
any well-defined set of coordinates.
Consider an operator
that rotates the system through an angle
about the
-axis. This operator is very similar to the
, introduced in Section 2.8, which translates the system
a distance
along the
We were able to demonstrate in Section 2.8
(347) |
is the linear momentum conjugate to
. There is nothing
in our derivation of this result which specifies that
has to be a Cartesian
coordinate. Thus, the result should apply just as well to an angular
coordinate. We conclude that
(348) |
According to Equation (348), we can write
(349) |
in the limit
. In other words, the angular momentum
can be used to rotate the system about the
-axis by an infinitesimal amount.
We say that
is the generator of rotations about the
The above equation implies that
(350) |
which reduces to
(351) |
Note that
has all of the properties we would expect of
a rotation operator: i.e.,
Suppose that the system is in a simultaneous eigenstate of
As before, this state is represented by the eigenket
, where
the eigenvalue of
, and
the eigenvalue of
. We expect the wavefunction
to remain unaltered if we rotate
the system
degrees about the
-axis. Thus,
(355) |
We conclude that
must be an integer. This implies, from the previous
section, that
must also be an integer. Thus, an orbital angular momentum
can only take integer values of the quantum numbers
Consider the action of the rotation operator
on an eigenstate
possessing zero angular momentum about the
-axis (i.e., an
state). We have
(356) |
Thus, the eigenstate is invariant to rotations about the
-axis. Clearly,
its wavefunction must be symmetric about the
There is nothing special about the
-axis, so we can write
by analogy with Equation (351). Here,
denotes an operator
that rotates the system by an angle
about the
-axis, etc.
Suppose that the system is in an eigenstate of zero overall orbital angular momentum
(i.e., an
We know that the system is also in an eigenstate of zero orbital angular momentum
about any particular axis. This follows because
, according
to the
previous section, and we can choose the
-axis to point in any direction.
Clearly, a zero angular momentum state is invariant to rotations about any
Such a state must possess a spherically symmetric wavefunction.
Note that a rotation about the
-axis does not commute with a rotation
about the
-axis. In other words, if the system is rotated an angle
about the
-axis, and then
about the
-axis, it ends up in a different state to that obtained by rotating
an angle
about the
-axis, and then
about the
-axis. In quantum
mechanics, this implies that
, or
, [see Equations (357)-(359)]. Thus, the noncommuting
nature of the angular momentum operators is a direct consequence
of the fact that
rotations do not commute.
Next: Eigenfunctions of Orbital Angular
Up: Orbital Angular Momentum
Previous: Eigenvalues of Orbital Angular
Richard Fitzpatrick