Next: Electron Spin
Up: Relativistic Electron Theory
Previous: Lorentz Invariance of Dirac
According to Equation (1129), the relativistic Hamiltonian of a free electron takes the form
Let us use the Heisenberg picture to investigate the motion of such an electron. For the
sake of brevity, we shall omit the suffix
that should be appended to dynamical variables that vary in time, according to the formalism of Section 3.2.
The above Hamiltonian is independent of
. Hence, momentum
commutes with the Hamiltonian, and is therefore a
constant of the motion. The
component of the velocity is
![$\displaystyle \dot{x} = \frac{[x,H]}{{\rm i}\,\hbar} = c\,\alpha_1,$](img2706.png) |
(1177) |
where use has been made of the standard commutation relations between position and momentum operators.
This result is rather surprising, since it implies a relationship between velocity and momentum that is quite different from that
in classical mechanics. This relationship, however, is clearly connected to the expression
for the
component of the probability current. The operator
, specified in the above equation, has the eigenvalues
corresponding to the eigenvalues
. Since
are similar to
, we
conclude that a measurement of a velocity component of a free electron is certain to yield the result
. As is easily demonstrated, this conclusion also
holds in the presence of an electromagnetic field.
Of course, electrons are often observed to have velocities considerably less than that of light. Hence, the previous conclusion seems to
be in conflict with experimental observations. The conflict is not real, however, because the theoretical velocity discussed above is
the velocity at one instance in time, whereas observed velocities are always averages over a finite time interval. We shall find, on
further examination of the equations of motion, that the velocity of a free electron is not constant, but oscillates rapidly about a mean value
that agrees with the experimentally observed value.
In order to understand why a measurement of a velocity component must lead to the result
in a relativistic theory, consider the
following argument. To measure the velocity we must measure the position at two slightly different times, and then divide the
change in position by the time interval. (We cannot just measure the momentum and then apply a formula, because the
ordinary connection between velocity and momentum is no longer valid.) In order that our measured velocity may
approximate to the instantaneous velocity, the time interval between the two measurements of position must be very short, and the
measurements themselves very accurate. However, the great accuracy with which the position of the electron
is known during the time interval leads to an almost complete indeterminacy in its momentum, according to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
This means that almost all values of the momentum are equally likely, so that the momentum is almost certain to be infinite. But, an infinite
value of a momentum component corresponds to the values
for the corresponding velocity component.
Let us now examine how the election velocity varies in time. We have
(1178) |
anti-commutes with all terms in
(1179) |
Here, use has been made of the fact that
commutes with
, and also that
Hence, we get
(1180) |
are constants of the motion, this equation yields
(1181) |
which can be integrated to give
(1182) |
It follows from Equation (1177) and (1180) that
(1183) |
(1184) |
We can see that the
-component of velocity consists of two parts, a constant part,
, connected with the momentum
according to the classical relativistic formula, and an oscillatory part whose frequency,
, is high (being at least
Only the constant part would be observed in a practical measurement of velocity (i.e., an average over a short time interval that is still much longer than
The oscillatory part ensures that the instantaneous value of
has the eigenvalues
. Note, finally, that the oscillatory part of
is small, being of
Next: Electron Spin
Up: Relativistic Electron Theory
Previous: Lorentz Invariance of Dirac
Richard Fitzpatrick