Next: Dielectric Liquids in Electrostatic
Up: Electrostatics in Dielectric Media
Previous: Force Density Within Dielectric
Let us now investigate what a dielectric equation of state actually looks like.
Suppose that a dielectric medium is made up of identical molecules that
develop a dipole moment
(585) |
when placed in an electric field
. The constant
is called
the molecular polarizability. If
is the number density of
such molecules
then the polarization of the medium is
(586) |
(587) |
is the mass density,
is Avogadro's number, and
the molecular weight. But, how does the electric field experienced
by an individual molecule relate to the average electric field in the
medium? This is not a trivial question because we expect the electric
field to vary strongly (on atomic lengthscales) within the dielectric.
Suppose that the dielectric is polarized by a mean electric field
that is uniform (on macroscopic lengthscales), and directed
along the
-axis. Consider one of the dielectric's constituent molecules. Let us draw a sphere of radius
around this particular
molecule. The surface of the sphere is intended to represent the boundary between the microscopic
and the macroscopic ranges of phenomena affecting the molecule. We shall
treat the dielectric outside the sphere as a continuous medium, and the
dielectric inside the sphere as a collection of polarized molecules.
According to Equation (530), there is a bound surface charge of
(588) |
on the inside of the sphere's surface, where
are conventional spherical
coordinates, and
is the uniform polarization of the uniform dielectric outside the sphere. The
magnitude of
at the molecule due to this surface charge is
(589) |
is an element of the surface.
It follows that
(590) |
It is easily demonstrated, from symmetry, that
at the molecule.
Thus, the field at the molecule due to the bound charges distributed on the inside of the sphere's surface is
(591) |
The field due to the individual molecules within the sphere is
obtained by summing over the dipole fields of these molecules.
The electric field a distance
from a dipole
is (see Section 2.7)
![$\displaystyle {\bf E} = -\frac{1}{4\pi\,\epsilon_0}\left[\frac{\bf p}{r^{\,3}} - \frac{3\,({\bf p}\cdot{\bf r})\,{\bf r}}{r^{\,5}}\right].$](img1245.png) |
(592) |
It is assumed that the dipole moments of the molecules within the
sphere are all the same, and also that the molecules are evenly distributed
throughout the sphere. This being the case, the value
at the molecule due to all of the other molecules
within in the sphere,
![$\displaystyle E_z = -\frac{1}{4\pi\,\epsilon_0}\sum_{\rm mols}\left[\frac{ p_z}{r^{\,3}} - \frac{3\,(p_x\, x\,z + p_y\, y\,z + p_z\, z^{\,2})}{r^{\,5}}\right],$](img1246.png) |
(593) |
is zero, because, for evenly distributed molecules,
(594) |
(595) |
It is also easily demonstrated that
Hence, the electric field at the molecule due to the other molecules within
the sphere averages to zero.
It is clear that the net electric field experienced by an individual molecule is
(596) |
which is larger than the average electric field,
, in the dielectric. The above analysis indicates
that this effect is ascribable to the long range (rather than the short range)
interactions of the molecule with the other molecules in the medium.
Making use of Equation (588), as well as the definition
, we obtain
(597) |
which is known as the Clausius-Mossotti relation. This expression is found
to work very well for a wide class of dielectric liquids and
gases. The Clausius-Mossotti relation also yields
(598) |
Next: Dielectric Liquids in Electrostatic
Up: Electrostatics in Dielectric Media
Previous: Force Density Within Dielectric
Richard Fitzpatrick