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Up: Electromagnetic radiation
Previous: Dielectric constant of a
An electromagnetic wave of real (positive) frequency
can be written
The wave-vector,
, indicates the direction of propagation of the
wave, and also its phase-velocity,
, via
(1212) |
Since the wave is transverse in nature, we must have
. Finally, the familiar
(1213) |
leads us to the following relation between the constant vectors
(1214) |
is a unit vector pointing in the
direction of wave propagation.
Suppose that the plane
forms the boundary between two different dielectric
media. Let medium 1, of refractive index
, occupy the region
whilst medium 2, of refractive index
, occupies the region
Let us investigate what happens when an electromagnetic wave is incident
on this boundary from medium 1.
Figure 55:
Consider, first of all, the simple case of incidence normal
to the boundary (see Fig. 55). In this case,
for the
incident and transmitted waves, and
for the reflected wave. Without loss of generality, we can assume that
the incident wave is polarized in the
Hence, using Eq. (1214), the incident
wave can be written
is the phase-velocity in medium 1, and
. Likewise, the reflected wave takes the form
Finally, the transmitted wave can be written
is the phase-velocity in medium 2, and
For the case of normal incidence, the electric and magnetic
components of all three waves are parallel to the boundary between
the two dielectric media. Hence, the appropriate boundary conditions
to apply at
The latter condition derives from the general boundary condition
, and the fact that
in both media (which are assumed to be non-magnetic).
Application of the boundary condition
(1223) |
Likewise, application of the boundary condition (1222) gives
(1224) |
(1225) |
Equations (1223) and (1225) can be solved to give
Thus, we have determined the amplitudes of the reflected and transmitted
waves in terms of the amplitude of the incident wave.
It can be seen, first of all, that if
In other words, if the two media have the same indices of refraction then
there is no reflection at the boundary between them, and the transmitted
wave is consequently equal in amplitude to the incident wave. On the other
hand, if
then there is some reflection at the boundary. Indeed,
the amplitude of the reflected wave is roughly proportional to the difference between
. This has important practical consequences.
We can only see a clean pane of glass in a window because some of the light incident
at an air/glass boundary is reflected, due to the different refractive indicies
of air and glass. As is well-known, it is a lot more difficult to see glass when it is submerged in water. This is because the refractive indices of glass and water are quite similar, and so there is very little reflection of light
incident on a water/glass boundary.
According to Eq. (1226),
The negative sign indicates a
phase-shift of the reflected wave, with
respect to the incident wave. We conclude that there is a
phase-shift of the reflected wave, relative to the incident wave, on reflection from a boundary with a
medium of greater refractive index. Conversely, there is no
on reflection from a boundary with a medium of lesser refractive index.
The mean electromagnetic energy flux, or intensity, in the
-direction is simply
(1228) |
The coefficient of reflection,
, is defined as the ratio
of the intensities of the reflected and incident waves:
(1229) |
Likewise, the coefficient of transmission,
, is the ratio of
the intensities of the transmitted and incident waves:
(1230) |
Equations (1226), (1227), (1229), and (1230)
Note that
. In other words, any wave energy which is not reflected
at the boundary is transmitted, and vice versa.
Figure 56:
Let us now consider the case of incidence oblique to the boundary (see Fig. 56).
Suppose that the incident wave subtends an angle
with the
normal to the boundary, whereas the reflected and transmitted
waves subtend angles
, respectively.
The incident wave can be written
with analogous expressions for the reflected and transmitted waves.
Since, in the case of oblique incidence, the electric and magnetic
components of the wave fields are no longer necessarily parallel to the
boundary, the boundary conditions (1221) and (1222) at
be supplemented by the additional boundary conditions
Equation (1235) derives from the general
boundary condition
It follows from Eqs. (1222) and (1236) that both components
of the magnetic field are continuous at the boundary. Hence, we can write
(1237) |
. Given that
, and
constant vectors, the only way in which the above equation can be satisfied for all
values of
is if
(1238) |
throughout the
plane. This, in turn, implies that
(1239) |
(1240) |
It immediately follows that if
In other words, if the incident wave lies in the
plane then the
reflected and transmitted waves also lie in the
plane. Another
way of putting this is that the incident, reflected, and transmitted
waves all lie in the same plane, know as the plane
of incidence. This, of course, is one of the laws of geometric optics.
From now on, we shall assume that the plane of incidence is the
. Moreover,
(1241) |
with similar expressions for
. Hence, according
to Eq. (1239),
(1242) |
which implies that
. Moreover,
(1243) |
Of course, the above expressions correspond to the law of reflection
and Snell's law of refraction, respectively.
For the case of oblique incidence, we need to consider two independent
wave polarizations separately. The first polarization
has all the wave electric fields perpendicular to the plane of incidence, whilst
the second has all the wave magnetic fields perpendicular to the plane
of incidence.
Let us consider the first wave polarization. We can write unit vectors
in the directions of propagation of the incident, reflected, and transmitted
waves likso:
The constant vectors associated with the incident wave are written
where use has been made of Eq. (1214). Likewise, the constant
vectors associated with the reflected and transmitted waves are
Now, the boundary condition (1221) yields
(1253) |
Likewise, the boundary condition (1236) gives
(1254) |
However, using Snell's law, (1243), the above expression reduces to Eq. (1253). Finally, the boundary condition (1222) yields
, or
(1255) |
It is convenient to define the parameters
(1256) |
(1257) |
Equations (1253) and (1255) can be solved in terms
of these parameters to give
(1258) |
(1259) |
These relations are known as Fresnel equations.
The wave intensity in the
-direction is given by
(1260) |
Hence, the coefficient of reflection is written
(1261) |
whereas the coefficient of transmission takes the form
(1262) |
Note that it is again the case that
Let us now consider the second wave polarization. In this case, the
constant vectors associated with the incident, reflected, and transmitted
waves are written
The boundary condition (1222) yields
, or
(1269) |
Likewise, the boundary condition (1221) gives
, or
(1270) |
Finally, the boundary condition (1235) yields
, or
(1271) |
Making use of Snell's law, and the fact that
, the
above expression reduces to Eq. (1269).
Solving Eqs. (1239) and (1270), we obtain
The associated coefficients of reflection and transmission take the
respectively. As usual,
Note that at oblique incidence the Fresnel equations, (1258) and
(1259), for the wave polarization in which the electric
field is parallel to the boundary are different to the Fresnel equations,
(1272) and (1273), for the wave polarization
in which the magnetic field is parallel to the boundary. This implies that
the coefficients of reflection and transmission for these two wave polarizations
are, in general, different.
Figure 57:
Figure 57 shows the coefficients of reflection (solid curves) and transmission
(dashed curves) for oblique incidence from air (
) to
glass (
). The left-hand panel shows the wave polarization
for which the electric field is parallel to the boundary, whereas the
right-hand panel shows the wave polarization for which the
magnetic field is parallel to the boundary. In general, it can
be seen that the coefficient of reflection rises, and the coefficient of
transmission falls, as the angle of incidence increases. Note, however,
that for the second wave polarization there is a particular angle of incidence,
know as the Brewster angle,
at which the reflected intensity is zero. There is no similar behaviour for
the first wave polarization.
It follows from Eq. (1272) that the Brewster angle corresponds
to the condition
(1276) |
(1277) |
where use has been made of Snell's law. The above expression
reduces to
(1278) |
. Hence, the Brewster angle satisfies
(1279) |
If unpolarized light is incident on an air/glass (say) boundary at the Brewster angle
then the reflected beam is
plane polarized.
Next: Wave-guides
Up: Electromagnetic radiation
Previous: Dielectric constant of a
Richard Fitzpatrick