Next: Formulation of the statistical
Up: Quantum statistics
Previous: Symmetry requirements in quantum
Consider a very simple gas made up of two identical particles. Suppose
that each particle can be in one of three possible quantum states,
Let us enumerate the possible states of the whole gas according to
Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, and Fermi-Dirac statistics, respectively.
For the case of Maxwell-Boltzmann (MB) statistics, the two particles are
considered to be distinguishable. Let us denote them
Furthermore, any number of particles can occupy the same quantum state.
The possible different states of the gas are shown in Tab. 6.
Table 6:
Two particles distributed amongst three states according to
Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics.
There are clearly 9 distinct states.
For the case of Bose-Einstein (BE) statistics, the two particles are
considered to be indistinguishable. Let us denote them both as
Furthermore, any number of particles can occupy the same quantum state.
The possible different states of the gas are shown in Tab. 7.
Table 7:
Two particles distributed amongst three states according to
Bose-Einstein statistics.
There are clearly 6 distinct states.
Finally, for the case of Fermi-Dirac (FD) statistics, the two particles are
considered to be indistinguishable. Let us again denote them both as
Furthermore, no more than one particle can occupy a given quantum state. The possible different states of the gas are shown in Tab. 8.
Table 8:
Two particles distributed amongst three states according to
Fermi-Dirac statistics.
There are clearly only 3 distinct states.
It follows, from the above example, that Fermi-Dirac statistics are
more restrictive (i.e., there are less possible states of the
system) than Bose-Einstein statistics, which are, in turn, more restrictive
than Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics. Let
(575) |
For the case under investigation,
We conclude that in Bose-Einstein statistics there is a greater relative
tendency for particles to cluster in the same state than in classical
statistics. On the other hand, in Fermi-Dirac statistics there is
less tendency for particles to cluster in the same state than
in classical statistics.
Next: Formulation of the statistical
Up: Quantum statistics
Previous: Symmetry requirements in quantum
Richard Fitzpatrick