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Simple Harmonic Oscillator
The classical Hamiltonian of a simple harmonic oscillator is
(389) |
is the so-called force constant of the oscillator. Assuming that the quantum
mechanical Hamiltonian has the same form as the classical Hamiltonian, the time-independent Schrödinger equation for a particle of mass
and energy
moving in a
simple harmonic potential becomes
(390) |
, where
is the oscillator's classical angular frequency of oscillation. Furthermore, let
(391) |
(392) |
Equation (390) reduces to
(393) |
We need to find solutions to the above equation which are bounded
at infinity: i.e., solutions which satisfy the boundary
Consider the behavior of the solution to Eq. (393) in the limit
. As is easily seen, in this limit the equation simplifies somewhat to give
(394) |
The approximate solutions to the above equation are
(395) |
is a relatively slowly varying function of
Clearly, if
is to remain bounded as
then we
must chose the exponentially decaying solution. This suggests that
we should write
(396) |
where we would expect
to be an algebraic, rather than an exponential, function of
Substituting Eq. (396) into Eq. (393), we obtain
(397) |
Let us attempt a power-law solution of the form
(398) |
Inserting this test solution into Eq. (397), and equating the
coefficients of
, we obtain the recursion relation
(399) |
Consider the behavior of
in the limit
The above recursion relation simplifies to
(400) |
Hence, at large
, when the higher powers of
dominate, we
(401) |
It follows that
varies as
. This behavior is unacceptable,
since it does not satisfy the boundary condition
. The only way in which we can prevent
from blowing up as
is to demand that the power series (398) terminate at
some finite value of
. This implies, from the recursion relation
(399), that
(402) |
is a non-negative integer. Note that the number of terms in the power
series (398) is
. Finally, using Eq. (392), we obtain
(403) |
Hence, we conclude that a particle moving in a
harmonic potential has quantized energy levels which
are equally spaced. The
spacing between successive energy levels is
, where
is the classical oscillation frequency. Furthermore, the
lowest energy state (
) possesses the finite energy
. This is sometimes called zero-point energy.
It is easily demonstrated that the (normalized) wavefunction of the lowest
energy state takes the form
(404) |
be an energy eigenstate of the harmonic oscillator
corresponding to the eigenvalue
(405) |
Assuming that the
are properly normalized (and real), we have
(406) |
Now, Eq. (393) can be written
(407) |
, and
. It is helpful to
define the operators
(408) |
As is easily demonstrated, these operators satisfy the commutation relation
![\begin{displaymath}[a_+,a_-]= -1.
\end{displaymath}](img1034.png) |
(409) |
Using these operators, Eq. (407) can also be written
in the forms
(410) |
(411) |
The above two equations imply that
We conclude that
are raising and lowering operators,
respectively, for the harmonic oscillator: i.e., operating on the wavefunction with
causes the
quantum number
to increase by unity, and vice versa.
The Hamiltonian for the harmonic oscillator can be written in the form
(414) |
from which the result
(415) |
is readily deduced.
Finally, Eqs. (406), (412), and (413)
yield the useful expression
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Up: One-Dimensional Potentials
Previous: Square Potential Well
Richard Fitzpatrick