Next: Classical Light Waves
Up: Wave-Particle Duality
Previous: Plane Waves
In mathematics, the symbol
is conventionally used to represent the square-root of minus one: i.e., one of the
solutions of
. Now, a real number,
(say), can take any value in a continuum of different values lying between
On the other hand, an imaginary number takes the general form
, where
is a real number. It follows that the square of
a real number is a positive real number, whereas the square of an imaginary number is a negative real number. In addition, a general complex number is written
(36) |
are real numbers. In fact,
is termed the real part of
, and
the imaginary part of
. This is written mathematically as
Finally, the complex conjugate of
is defined
Now, just as we
can visualize a real number as a point on an infinite straight-line, we can visualize a complex number as
a point in an infinite plane. The coordinates of the point in question are the real and imaginary
parts of the number: i.e.,
. This idea is illustrated in Fig. 3.
The distance,
, of the representative point from the origin is termed the modulus
of the corresponding complex number,
. This is written mathematically as
. Incidentally, it follows that
The angle,
, that the straight-line joining the representative point to the origin subtends with the
real axis is termed the argument of the corresponding complex number,
. This is written mathematically
. It follows from standard trigonometry that
, and
Figure 3:
Representation of a complex number as a point in a plane.
Complex numbers are often used to represent wavefunctions. All such representations depend ultimately on a fundamental mathematical identity, known as
de Moivre's theorem, which takes the form
(37) |
is a real number. Incidentally, given that
, where
is a general
complex number,
its modulus, and
its argument, it follows from de Moivre's theorem that any
complex number,
, can be written
(38) |
are real numbers.
Now, a one-dimensional wavefunction takes the general form
(39) |
is the wave amplitude,
the wavenumber,
the angular
frequency, and
the phase angle. Consider the complex wavefunction
(40) |
is a complex constant. We can write
(41) |
is the modulus, and
the argument, of
Hence, we deduce that
Thus, it follows from de Moirve's theorem, and Eq. (39), that
{\rm Re}\left[\psi_0 {\rm e}^{ {\rm i} (k x-\omega t)}\right] =A \cos(k x-\omega t+\varphi)=\psi(x,t).
\end{displaymath}](img224.png) |
(43) |
In other words, a general one-dimensional real wavefunction, (39), can be
represented as the real part of a complex wavefunction of the form (40).
For ease
of notation, the ``take the real part'' aspect of the above expression is usually omitted, and our general one-dimension wavefunction
is simply written
(44) |
main advantage of the complex representation, (44), over the more straightforward
real representation, (39), is that the former enables us to combine the amplitude,
, and the
phase angle,
, of the wavefunction into a single complex amplitude,
Finally, the three dimensional generalization of the above expression is
(45) |
is the wavevector.
Next: Classical Light Waves
Up: Wave-Particle Duality
Previous: Plane Waves
Richard Fitzpatrick