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Up: Addition of Angular Momentum
Previous: Angular Momentum in the
Two Spin One-Half Particles
Consider a system consisting of two spin one-half particles. Suppose
that the system does not possess any orbital angular momentum.
be the spin angular momentum operators
of the first and second particles, respectively, and let
(839) |
be the total spin angular momentum operator. By analogy
with the previous analysis, we conclude that it is possible to simultaneously measure either
, and
, or
, and
Let the quantum numbers associated with measurements of
, and
, and
, respectively.
In other words, if the spinor
a simultaneous eigenstate of
, then
(840) |
(841) |
(842) |
(843) |
(844) |
Likewise, if the spinor
a simultaneous eigenstate of
, then
Of course, since both particles have spin one-half,
, and
. Furthermore, by analogy with previous
(849) |
Now, we saw, in the previous section, that when spin
is added
to spin one-half then the possible values of the total angular momentum
quantum number are
. By analogy, when spin one-half
is added to spin one-half then the possible values of the
total spin quantum number are
. In other words,
when two spin one-half particles are combined, we either obtain
a state with overall spin
, or a state with overall spin
. To be more exact, there are
three possible
states (corresponding to
, 0, 1), and
one possible
state (corresponding to
). The three
are generally known as the triplet states, whereas the
state is known as the singlet state.
Table 4:
Clebsch-Gordon coefficients for adding spin one-half to
spin one-half. Only non-zero coefficients are shown.
The Clebsch-Gordon coefficients for adding spin one-half to
spin one-half can easily be inferred from Table 2 (with
and are listed in Table 4. It follows from this table that the
three triplet states are:
is shorthand for
etc. Likewise, the singlet
state is written:
(853) |
Next: Exercises
Up: Addition of Angular Momentum
Previous: Angular Momentum in the
Richard Fitzpatrick