Next: Born Approximation
Up: Scattering Theory
Previous: Introduction
Consider time-independent scattering theory, for which the Hamiltonian
of the system is written
(910) |
is the Hamiltonian of a free particle of mass
(911) |
represents the non-time-varying source of the scattering. Let
be an energy eigenket of
(912) |
whose wavefunction
. This state is assumed to be a plane wave state or, possibly, a
spherical wave state.
Schrödinger's equation for the scattering problem is
(913) |
is an energy eigenstate of the total Hamiltonian
whose wavefunction
In general, both
have continuous energy
spectra: i.e., their energy eigenstates are unbound.
We require a solution of Equation (913) that satisfies the
boundary condition
. Here,
is a solution of the free particle
Schrödinger equation, (912), corresponding to the same energy eigenvalue.
Adopting the Schrödinger representation, we can write the scattering
problem (913) in the form
(914) |
(915) |
Equation (914) is called the Helmholtz equation, and can be inverted
using standard Green's function techniques. Thus,
(916) |
(917) |
Note that the solution (916) satisfies the boundary condition
As is well-known, the Green's function for the Helmholtz problem is
given by
(918) |
Thus, Equation (916) becomes
(919) |
Let us suppose that the scattering Hamiltonian,
, is only a function
of the position operators. This implies that
(920) |
We can write
(921) |
Thus, the integral equation (919) simplifies to
(922) |
Suppose that the initial state
is a plane wave with wavevector
(i.e., a stream of particles of
definite momentum
). The ket corresponding to
this state is denoted
. The associated wavefunction
takes the form
(923) |
The wavefunction is normalized such that
![$\displaystyle \langle {\bf k}\vert{\bf k}'\rangle =\int d^3 x\, \langle {\bf k}...
...\, {\bf x}\cdot({\bf k} -{\bf k}')]} {(2\pi )^3} = \delta ({\bf k} - {\bf k'}).$](img2159.png) |
(924) |
Suppose that the scattering potential
is only non-zero in some
relatively localized region centered on the origin (
Let us calculate the wavefunction
a long way from
the scattering region. In other words, let us adopt the ordering
. It is easily demonstrated that
(925) |
to first order in
, where
(926) |
is a unit vector that points from the scattering region to the
observation point. Here,
. Let us define
(927) |
is the wavevector for particles that possess the
same energy as the incoming particles (i.e.,
), but propagate
from the scattering region to the observation point. Note that
(928) |
In the large-
limit, Equation (922) reduces to
(929) |
The first term on the right-hand side is the incident wave. The second term
represents a spherical wave centred on the scattering region. The
plus sign (on
) corresponds to a wave propagating away from the
scattering region, whereas the minus sign corresponds to a
wave propagating towards the scattering region. It is obvious that
the former represents the physical solution.
Thus, the wavefunction a long way from the scattering region can be
![$\displaystyle \psi({\bf x}) = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{3/2}} \left[\exp(\,{\rm i}\,{\bf k}\cdot{\bf x}) + \frac{\exp(\,{\rm i}\,k\,r)}{r} f({\bf k}', {\bf k}) \right],$](img2173.png) |
(930) |
(931) |
Let us define the differential cross-section,
, as
the number of particles per unit time scattered into an element of
solid angle
, divided by the incident flux of particles.
Recall, from Chapter 3, that the probability current
(i.e., the particle flux) associated with a
(932) |
Thus, the probability flux associated with the incident wavefunction,
(933) |
(934) |
Likewise, the probability flux associated with the scattered wavefunction,
(935) |
(936) |
(937) |
(938) |
gives the differential cross-section for particles with incident momentum
to be scattered
into states whose momentum vectors are directed in a range of solid angles
. Note that the scattered particles possess
the same energy as the incoming particles (i.e.,
). This is always
the case for scattering Hamiltonians of the form specified in Equation (920).
Next: Born Approximation
Up: Scattering Theory
Previous: Introduction
Richard Fitzpatrick