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Preliminary Analysis

In the following, we shall employ $ x^{\,1}$ , $ x^{\,2}$ , $ x^{\,3}$ to represent the Cartesian coordinates $ x$ , $ y$ , $ z$ , respectively, and $ x^{\,0}$ to represent $ c\,t$ , where $ c$ is the velocity of light in vacuum. The time-dependent wavefunction then takes the form $ \psi(x^{\,0},\,x^{\,1},\,x^{\,2},\,x^{\,3})$ . Adopting standard relativistic notation, we write the four $ x$ 's as $ x^{\,\mu}$ , for $ \mu= 0,\,1,\,2,\,3$ [93]. A space-time vector with four components that transform under Lorentz transformation in an analogous manner to the four space-time coordinates, $ x^{\,\mu}$ , is termed a 4-vector [93], and its components are written like $ a^{\,\mu}$ (i.e., with an upper Greek suffix). We can lower the suffix according to the rules

$\displaystyle a_{0}$ $\displaystyle =+ a^{\,0},$ (11.1)
$\displaystyle a_{1}$ $\displaystyle =-a^{\,1},$ (11.2)
$\displaystyle a_{2}$ $\displaystyle = -a^{\,2},$ (11.3)
$\displaystyle a_{3}$ $\displaystyle = -a^{\,3}.$ (11.4)

Here, the $ a^{\,\mu}$ are called the contravariant components of the 4-vector $ a$ , whereas the $ a_{\mu}$ are termed the covariant components. Two 4-vectors $ a^{\,\mu}$ and $ b^{\,\mu}$ have the Lorentz-invariant scalar product

$\displaystyle a^{\,0}\,b^{\,0}-a^{\,1}\,b^{\,1}-a^{\,2}\,a^{\,2}-a^{\,3}\,b^{\,3} = a^{\,\mu}\,b_{\mu}= a_{\mu}\,b^{\,\mu},$ (11.5)

a summation being implied over a repeated letter suffix [93]. The metric tenor, $ g_{\,\mu\,\nu}$ , is defined

$\displaystyle g_{\,00}$ $\displaystyle =+1,$ (11.6)
$\displaystyle g_{\,11}$ $\displaystyle =-1,$ (11.7)
$\displaystyle g_{\,22}$ $\displaystyle =-1,$ (11.8)
$\displaystyle g_{\,33}$ $\displaystyle =-1,$ (11.9)

with all other components zero [93]. Thus,

$\displaystyle a_{\mu} = g_{\,\mu\,\nu}\,a^{\,\nu}.$ (11.10)


$\displaystyle a^{\,\mu} = g^{\,\mu\,\nu}\,a_{\,\nu},$ (11.11)

where $ g^{\,00}=1$ , $ g^{\,11}=g^{\,22}=g^{\,33}=-1$ , with all other components zero. Finally, $ g_{\,\nu}^{\,~\mu}=g^{\,\mu}_{\,~\nu} =1$ if $ \mu=\nu$ , and $ g_{\,\nu}^{\,~\mu}=g^{\,\mu}_{\,~\nu}=0$ otherwise.

In the Schrödinger representation (see Section 2.4), the momentum of a particle, whose Cartesian components are written $ p_x$ , $ p_y$ , $ p_z$ , or $ p^{\,1}$ , $ p^{\,2}$ , $ p^{\,3}$ , is represented by the operators

$\displaystyle p^{\,i} = -{\rm i}\,\hbar\,\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{\,i}},$ (11.12)

for $ i=1,\,2,\,3$ . Now, the four operators $ \partial/\partial x^{\,\mu}$ form the covariant components of a 4-vector whose contravariant components are written $ \partial /\partial x_{\mu}$ . (See Exercise 1.) So, to make expression (11.12) consistent with relativistic theory, we must first write it with its suffixes balanced,

$\displaystyle p^{\,i} = {\rm i}\,\hbar\,\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{\,i}},$ (11.13)

and then extend it to the complete 4-vector equation,

$\displaystyle p^{\,\mu} = {\rm i}\,\hbar\,\partial^{\,\mu},$ (11.14)

where $ \partial^{\,\mu}\equiv \partial/\partial x_\mu$ . According to standard relativistic theory, the new operator $ p^{\,0}={\rm i}\,\hbar\,\partial/\partial x_{\,0}={\rm i}\,(\hbar/c)\,\partial/\partial t$ , which forms a 4-vector when combined with the momenta $ p^{\,i}$ , is interpreted as the energy of the particle divided by $ c$ [93].

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Richard Fitzpatrick 2016-01-22