Rutherford Scattering Cross-Section
Consider a species-
particle, incident with relative velocity
onto an ensemble of species-
particles with number density
is the probability per unit time of the particle being scattered into the range of solid angle
then the differential scattering cross-section,
, is defined via (Reif 1965)
(3.65) |
Assuming that the scattering is azimuthally symmetric (i.e., symmetric in
), we can
. Now, the probability per unit time of a collision having an impact parameter in the range
(3.66) |
Furthermore, we can write
(3.67) |
provided that
are related according to the two-particle scattering law, Equation (3.64).
(The absolute value of
is taken because
is a monotonically decreasing function of
It follows that
(3.68) |
Equation (3.64) yields
(3.69) |
Finally, Equations (3.64), (3.68), and (3.69) can be combined to give the so-called
Rutherford scattering cross-section,
(3.70) |
(Rutherford 1911).
It is immediately apparent, from the previous formula, that two-particle Coulomb collisions are dominated by
small-angle (i.e., small
) scattering events.