Next: Energy Density Within Dielectric
Up: Electrostatics in Dielectric Media
Previous: Boundary Conditions for and
Consider a point charge
embedded in a semi-infinite dielectric medium of dielectric constant
, and located a distance
from a plane interface that
separates the first medium from another semi-infinite dielectric medium of
dielectric constant
. Suppose that the interface coincides with the plane
We need to solve
(512) |
in the region
(513) |
in the region
, and
(514) |
everywhere, subject to the following constraints at
Figure 1:
The method of images for a plane interface between two dielectric media.
In order to solve this problem, we shall employ a slightly modified form of
the well-known method of images. Because
the electric field can be written in terms of a scalar potential: that is,
. Consider the region
Let us assume that the scalar potential in this region is the same as
that obtained when the whole of space is filled with dielectric of dielectric constant
, and, in addition to the real charge
at position
there is a second charge
at the image position
. (See Figure 1.)
If this is the case then the potential at some point
in the region
is given by
(518) |
. Here,
are conventional cylindrical
Note that the potential (519) is clearly a solution of Equation (513) in
the region
: that is, it satisfies
, with the
appropriate singularity at the position of the point charge
Consider the region
. Let us assume that the scalar potential in this
region is the same as that obtained when the whole of space is filled
with a dielectric medium of dielectric constant
, and a charge
is located at the point
. If this is the case then the potential in this region is
given by
(519) |
The above potential is clearly a solution of Equation (514) in the region
: that is, it satisfies
, with
no singularities.
It now remains to choose
in such a manner that the constraints (516)-(518) are satisfied. The constraints (517) and
(518) are obviously satisfied if the scalar potential is continuous
across the interface between the two media: that is,
(520) |
The constraint (516) implies a jump in the normal derivative
of the scalar potential across the interface. In fact,
(521) |
The first matching condition yields
(522) |
whereas the second gives
(523) |
Here, use has been made of
(524) |
Equations (523) and (524) imply that
The polarization charge density is given by
, However,
inside either dielectric, which implies that
(527) |
except at the point charge
Thus, there is zero bound charge density in either dielectric
medium. At the interface,
jumps discontinuously,
(528) |
This implies that there is a bound charge sheet on the interface
between the two dielectric media. In fact, it follows from Equation (498) that
(529) |
is a unit normal to the interface pointing from
medium 1 to medium 2 (i.e., along the positive
(530) |
in either medium, it is easily demonstrated that
(531) |
In the limit
, the dielectric
behaves like a conducting medium (i.e.,
in the region
), and the bound surface charge density
on the interface approaches that obtained in the case when the plane
coincides with a conducting surface.
The above argument can easily be generalized to deal with problems
involving multiple point
charges in the presence of multiple dielectric media whose
interfaces form parallel planes.
Consider a second boundary value problem in which a slab of dielectric, of dielectric constant
, lies between the planes
. Suppose that this slab is placed in a uniform
electric field of strength
. Let us calculate the field-strength
the slab.
Because there are no free charges, and this is essentially a one-dimensional problem, it
is clear from Equation (501) that the electric displacement
is the
same in both the dielectric slab and the surrounding vacuum.
In the vacuum region,
, whereas
in the dielectric. It follows that
(532) |
In other words, the electric field inside the slab is reduced by
polarization charges.
As before, there is zero polarization charge density inside the dielectric.
However, there is a uniform bound charge sheet on both surfaces of
the slab. It is easily demonstrated that
(533) |
In the limit
, the slab acts like a conductor, and
Let us now generalize this result. Consider a dielectric medium whose
dielectric constant
varies with
. The medium is assumed to
be of finite extent, and to be surrounded by a vacuum. It follows
. Suppose that this dielectric is
placed in a uniform
-directed electric field of strength
. What is the
inside the dielectric?
We know that the electric displacement inside the dielectric is
given by
. We also know from
Equation (501) that, because there are no free charges, and this is
essentially a one-dimensional problem,
![$\displaystyle \frac{d D(z)}{dz} = \epsilon_0\, \frac{d [\epsilon(z)\, E(z)]}{d z} = 0.$](img1143.png) |
(534) |
It follows that
(535) |
Thus, the electric field is inversely proportional to the
dielectric constant of the medium. The bound
charge density within the medium is given by
![$\displaystyle \rho_b = \epsilon_0 \,\frac{d E(z)}{d z} = \epsilon_0\, E_0\frac{d}{dz} \!\left[\frac{1}{\epsilon(z)}\right].$](img1146.png) |
(536) |
Consider a third, and final, boundary value problem in which a dielectric sphere of radius
, and dielectric constant
, is placed in a
-directed electric field of strength
(in the absence of the sphere). Let us calculate the electric field inside
and around the sphere.
Because this is a static problem, we can write
There are no free charges, so Equations (501) and (505) imply that
(537) |
everywhere. The matching conditions (510) and (512) reduce to
(540) |
: that is, the electric field asymptotes to uniform
-directed field of strength
far from the
sphere. Here,
are spherical
coordinates centered on the sphere.
Let us search for an axisymmetric solution,
. Because the
solutions to Poisson's equation are unique, we know
that if we can find such a solution that satisfies all of
the boundary conditions then we can be sure that this is the
correct solution. Equation (538) reduces to
(541) |
Straightforward separation of the variables yields (see Section 3.7)
![$\displaystyle \phi(r,\theta) = \sum_{l=0,\infty}\left[A_l \,r^{\,l} + B_l \,r^{\,-(l+1)}\right] P_l(\cos\theta),$](img1157.png) |
(542) |
is a non-negative
integer, the
are arbitrary constants, and the
are Legendre polynomials. (See Section 3.2.)
The Legendre polynomials form a complete set of angular functions, and
it is easily demonstrated
that the
and the
form a complete set of
radial functions. It follows that Equation (543), with the
unspecified, represents a completely general (single-valued) axisymmetric solution
to Equation (538). It remains to determine the values of the
are consistent with the boundary conditions.
Let us divide space into the regions
. In the former
(543) |
where we have rejected the
radial solutions because they diverge
unphysically as
In the latter
![$\displaystyle \phi(r,\theta) = \sum_{l=0,\infty}\left[B_l\,r^{\,l} + C_l \,r^{\,-(l+1)}\right]P_l(\cos \theta).$](img1164.png) |
(544) |
However, it is clear from the boundary condition (541)
that the only non-vanishing
. This follows because
. The boundary condition
(540) [which can be integrated to give
for a potential that is single-valued in
] gives
(545) |
(546) |
. Note that it is appropriate to match the coefficients of
because these functions are mutually orthogonal. (See Section 3.2.)
The boundary condition (539) yields
(547) |
(548) |
. Equations (547) and (549) give
. Equations (546) and (548) reduce to
The solution to the problem is therefore
(551) |
, and
(552) |
Equation (552) is the potential of a uniform
-directed electric
field of strength
(553) |
Note that
, provided that
. Thus, the electric
field-strength is reduced inside the dielectric sphere due to
partial shielding
by polarization charges. Outside the sphere, the potential is
equivalent to that of the applied field
, plus the field of
an electric dipole (see Section 2.7), located at the origin, and directed along the
-axis, whose dipole moment is
(554) |
This dipole moment can be interpreted as the volume integral of the
over the sphere. The polarization is
(555) |
Because the polarization is uniform there is
zero bound charge density inside the sphere.
However, there is a bound charge sheet on the surface of the
sphere, whose density
is given by
[see Equation (530)]. It follows that
(556) |
The problem of a dielectric cavity of radius
inside a dielectric medium
of dielectric constant
, and in the presence of an applied electric field
, parallel to the
-axis, can be treated in much the same manner as
that of a dielectric sphere. In fact, it is easily demonstrated
that the results for the cavity can be obtained from those for the sphere by making the
. Thus, the field
inside the cavity is uniform, parallel to the
-axis, and of magnitude
(557) |
Note that
, provided that
. The field outside the
cavity is the original field, plus that of a
-directed dipole, located
at the
origin, whose dipole moment is
(558) |
Here, the negative sign implies that the dipole points in the opposite
direction to
the external field.
Next: Energy Density Within Dielectric
Up: Electrostatics in Dielectric Media
Previous: Boundary Conditions for and
Richard Fitzpatrick