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Solution of Inhomogeneous Helmholtz Equation

The inhomogeneous Helmholtz wave equation is conveniently solved by means of a Green's function, $ G_\omega({\bf r}, {\bf r}')$ , that satisfies

$\displaystyle (\nabla^{\,2} + k^{\,2})\,G_\omega ({\bf r}, {\bf r}')= -\delta({\bf r} - {\bf r}').$ (1506)

The solution of this equation, subject to the Sommerfeld radiation condition, which ensures that sources radiate waves instead of absorbing them, is written

$\displaystyle G_\omega ({\bf r}, {\bf r}') =\frac{{\rm e}^{\,{\rm i}\,k\,\vert{\bf r} -\bf {r}'\vert}} {4\pi \,\vert{\bf r}-{\bf r}'\vert}.$ (1507)

(See Chapter 1.)

As is well known, the spherical harmonics satisfy the completeness relation

$\displaystyle \sum_{l=0,\infty} \sum_{m=-l,+l}Y^{\,\ast}_{lm}(\theta',\varphi')...
...m}(\theta,\varphi) = \delta(\varphi-\varphi')\,\delta(\cos\theta -\cos\theta').$ (1508)

Now, the three-dimensional delta function can be written

$\displaystyle \delta({\bf r}-{\bf r}') = \frac{\delta(r-r')}{r^{\,2}}\, \delta(\varphi-\varphi')\, \delta(\cos\theta-\cos\theta').$ (1509)

It follows that

$\displaystyle \delta({\bf r}-{\bf r}') = \frac{\delta(r-r')}{r^{\,2}}\sum_{l=0,\infty}\sum_{m=-l,+l} Y^{\,\ast}_{lm}(\theta',\varphi')\, Y_{lm}(\theta,\varphi).$ (1510)

Let us expand the Green's function in the form

$\displaystyle G_\omega({\bf r}, {\bf r}') =\sum_{l,m} g_l(r, r') \,Y_{lm}^{\,\ast}(\theta',\varphi') \,Y_{lm}(\theta,\varphi).$ (1511)

Substitution of this expression into Equation (1508) yields

$\displaystyle \left[\frac{d^{\,2}}{dr^{\,2}} +\frac{2}{r}\frac{d}{dr}+k^{\,2} -\frac{l\,(l+1)}{r^{\,2}}\right] g_l = - \frac{\delta(r-r')}{r^{\,2}}.$ (1512)

The appropriate boundary conditions are that $ g_l(r)$ be finite at the origin, and correspond to an outgoing wave at infinity (i.e., $ g\propto {\rm e}^{\,{\rm i}\,k\,r}$ in the limit $ r\rightarrow \infty$ ). The solution of the above equation that satisfies these boundary conditions is

$\displaystyle g_l(r, r') = A \,j_l(k\,r_<)\, h_l^{(1)}(k \,r_>),$ (1513)

where $ r_<$ and $ r_>$ are the greater and the lesser of $ r$ and $ r'$ , respectively. The appropriate discontinuity in slope at $ r=r'$ is assured if $ A = {\rm i}\,k$ , because

$\displaystyle \frac{d h_l^{(1)}(z)}{dz}\, j_l (z) - h_l^{(1)}(z)\, \frac{d j_l(z)}{dz} = \frac{{\rm i}} {z^{\,2}}.$ (1514)

Thus, the expansion of the Green's function becomes

$\displaystyle \frac{{\rm e}^{\,{\rm i}\,k\,\vert{\bf r} -\bf {r}'\vert}} {4\pi ...
...,r_>)\sum_{m=-l,+l} Y_{lm}^{\,\ast}(\theta',\varphi') \,Y_{lm}(\theta,\varphi).$ (1515)

This is a particularly useful result, as we shall discover, because it easily allows us to express the general solution of the inhomogeneous wave equation as a multipole expansion.

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Richard Fitzpatrick 2014-06-27