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Up: Multi-Dimensional Motion
Previous: Introduction
Motion in a Two-Dimensional Harmonic Potential
Consider a particle of mass
moving in
the two-dimensional harmonic potential
(154) |
, and
. It follows that the particle is subject to
a force,
(155) |
which always points towards the origin, and whose magnitude increases linearly with
increasing distance from the origin. According to Newton's second law, the
equation of motion of the particle is
(156) |
When written in component form, the above equation reduces to
Since Equations (157) and (158) are both simple harmonic equations,
we can immediately write their general solutions:
, and
are arbitrary constants of integration. We can simplify the above equations slightly by shifting the
origin of time (which is, after all, arbitrary): i.e.,
(161) |
Hence, we obtain
Note that the motion is clearly periodic in time, with period
Thus, the particle must trace out some closed trajectory in the
The question, now, is what does this
trajectory look like as a function of
the relative phase-shift,
, between the oscillations in the
- and
Using standard trigonometry, we can write Equation (163)
in the form
y = B\left[\cos(\omega_0\,t')\,\cos{\mit\Delta} + \sin(\omega_0\,t')\,\sin{\mit\Delta}\right].
\end{displaymath}](img545.png) |
(164) |
Hence, using Equation (162), we obtain
(165) |
which simplifies to give
(166) |
Unfortunately, the above equation is not immediately recognizable as being
the equation of any particular geometric curve: e.g., a circle, an ellipse, or
a parabola, etc.
Perhaps our problem is that we are using the wrong coordinates.
Suppose that we rotate our coordinate axes about the
-axis by an
, as illustrated in Figure A.100. According to Equations (A.1277) and (A.1278), our old coordinates (
) are related to our new coordinates
) via
Let us see whether Equation (166) takes a simpler form when expressed
in terms of our new coordinates. Equations (166)-(168)
We can simplify the above equation by setting the term involving
zero. Hence,
(170) |
where we have made use of some simple trigonometric identities. Thus, the
term disappears when
takes the special value
(171) |
In this case, Equation (169) reduces to
(172) |
Of course, we immediately recognize Equation (172) as the equation of
an ellipse, centered on the origin, whose major and minor axes are aligned along the
- and
-axes, and whose major and minor radii are
respectively (assuming that
We conclude that, in general, a particle of mass
moving in the two-dimensional harmonic potential (154) executes a closed elliptical
orbit (which is not necessarily aligned along the
- and
-axes), centered on the origin, with
, where
Figure 10:
Trajectories in a two-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential.
Figure 10 shows some example trajectories calculated for
, and
the following values of the phase difference,
: (a)
; (b)
; (c)
. Note that when
trajectory degenerates into a straight-line (which can be thought of as an
ellipse whose minor radius is zero).
Perhaps, the main lesson to be learned from the above study of two-dimensional
motion in a harmonic potential is that comparatively simple patterns of
motion can be made to look complicated when expressed
in terms of ill-chosen coordinates.
Next: Projectile Motion with Air
Up: Multi-Dimensional Motion
Previous: Introduction
Richard Fitzpatrick