- ...Principa.
- An excellent discussion of the historical
development of Newtonian dynamics, as well as the physical and
philosophical assumptions which underpin this theory, is
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- ... tensor.
- A tensor is the two-dimensional generalization of a vector. However, for present purposes, we can
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- ... radius.
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- ... years.
- Note that this precession rate is about
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- ... dynamics.
- For more information on lunar theory, see An Elementary Treatise on the Lunar Theory, H. Godfray (Macmillan & Co., 1853); An Introductory Treatise on the Lunar Theory, E.W. Brown (Cambridge University Press, 1896); Lectures on the Lunar Theory, J.C. Adams (Cambridge University Press, 1900).
- ... month,
- A
synodic month, which is
days, is the mean period between successive new moons.
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- W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky,
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- M.J. Feigenbaum,
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