Next: Generalized Momenta
Up: Lagrangian Dynamics
Previous: Atwood Machines
Sliding down a Sliding Plane
Consider the case of a particle of mass
sliding down a smooth
inclined plane of mass
which is, itself, free to slide on
a smooth horizontal surface, as shown in Figure 34.
This is a two degree of freedom system, so we need two
coordinates to specify the configuration. Let us choose
the horizontal distance of the plane from some reference point, and
, the parallel displacement of the particle from some reference point
on the plane.
Figure 34:
A sliding plane.
- and
-axes, as shown in the diagram, the
- and
-components of the particle's velocity are clearly given by
respectively, where
is the angle of inclination of the plane with
respect to the horizontal.
(639) |
Hence, the kinetic energy of the system takes the form
(640) |
whereas the potential energy is given by
(641) |
It follows that the Lagrangian is written
(642) |
The equations of motion,
thus yield
Finally, solving for
, we obtain
Next: Generalized Momenta
Up: Lagrangian Dynamics
Previous: Atwood Machines
Richard Fitzpatrick