Next: General Properties of Stress
Up: Mathematical Models of Fluid
Previous: What is a Fluid?
Volume and Surface Forces
Generally speaking, fluids are acted upon by two distinct types of force. The first type is long range in nature--that is, such that it decreases relatively slowly with increasing distance between interacting elements--and is
capable of completely penetrating into the interior of a fluid. Gravity
is an obvious example of a long-range force. One consequence of the relatively slow variation of
long-range forces with position is that they
act equally on all of the fluid contained within a sufficiently small volume element. In this situation, the net force
acting on the element becomes directly proportional to its volume. For this reason, long-range forces are often called volume forces. In the following, we shall write the total volume force acting at time
on the fluid contained within a
small volume element of magnitude
, centered on a fixed point whose position vector is
(1.1) |
The second type of force is short range in nature, and
is most conveniently modeled as momentum transport within the fluid. Such transport is generally due to a combination of
the mutual forces exerted by contiguous molecules, and momentum fluxes caused by relative molecular motion.
Suppose that
is the net flux density of
-directed fluid momentum due to
short-range forces
at position
and time
. In other words, suppose that, at position
, as a direct consequence of short-range forces,
-momentum is flowing at the rate of

newton-seconds per meter squared per second in the direction of vector
. Consider an infinitesimal plane surface element,
, located at point
. Here,
is the
area of the element, and
its unit normal. (See Section A.7.) The fluid which lies
on that side of the element toward which
points is said to lie on its positive side, and vice versa.
The net flux of
-momentum across the element (in the direction of
) is
newtons, which implies (from Newton's second law of motion) that the fluid on the positive side of the surface element
experiences a force
in the
-direction due to short-range
interaction with the fluid on the negative side.
According to Newton's third law of motion, the fluid on the negative side of the surface experiences a force

in the
-direction due to interaction with the fluid on the positive side.
Short-range forces
are often called surface forces, because they are directly proportional to the area of the surface element across which
they act.
be the net flux density of
- and
-momentum, respectively, at position
. By a straightforward extension of previous argument, the net surface force exerted by the fluid on the positive side of some
planar surface element,
, on the fluid
on its negative side is
In tensor notation (see Appendix B), the previous equation can be written
(1.3) |



, et cetera.
(Note that, because the subscript
is repeated in the previous equation, it is assumed to be summed from
. Hence,
is shorthand for
Here, the
are termed the local stresses in the fluid at position
, and have units of force per unit area. Moreover, the
the components of a second-order tensor (see Appendix B) known as the stress tensor. [This follows because the
are the components of a first-order tensor (as all forces are proper vectors), and the
are the components of an arbitrary first-order tensor (as surface elements are
also proper vectors--see Section A.7--and Equation (1.3) holds for
surface elements whose normals point in any direction), so application of the quotient rule (see Section B.3) to Equation (1.3) reveals that the
transform under rotation of the coordinate axes as the components of a second-order tensor.] We can interpret
as the
-component of the force per unit area exerted, at position
and time
, across a plane surface element normal to the
-direction. The three diagonal components of
termed normal stresses, because each of them gives the normal component of the force per unit area acting
across a plane surface element parallel to one of the Cartesian coordinate planes. The six non-diagonal components
are termed shear stresses, because they drive shearing motion in which parallel
layers of fluid slide relative to one another.
Next: General Properties of Stress
Up: Mathematical Models of Fluid
Previous: What is a Fluid?
Richard Fitzpatrick