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Gravity Waves in Deep Water
Consider the so-called deep water limit,
(11.22) |
in which the depth,
, of the water greatly exceeds the wavelength,
, of the wave.
In this limit, the gravity wave dispersion relation (11.21) reduces to
(11.23) |
. It follows that the phase velocity of gravity waves in deep water is
(11.24) |
Note that this velocity is proportional to the square root of the wavelength. Hence, deep-water gravity waves with long wavelengths propagate faster
than those with short wavelengths. The phase velocity,
, is defined as the propagation velocity of a
plane wave with the definite wave number,
[and a frequency given by the dispersion relation (11.23)] (Fitzpatrick 2013). Such a wave has an infinite spatial extent. A more realistic wave of finite spatial extent,
with an approximate wave number
, can be formed as a linear superposition of plane waves
having a range of different wave numbers centered on
. Such a construct is known as a wave pulse (Fitzpatrick 2013).
As is well known, wave pulses propagate at the group velocity (Fitzpatrick 2013),
(11.25) |
For the case of gravity waves in deep water, the dispersion relation (11.23) yields
(11.26) |
In other words, the group velocity of such waves is half their phase velocity.
be the displacement of a particle of water, found at position
and time
, due to the passage of a
deep water gravity wave. It follows that
(11.27) |
is the perturbed velocity. For a plane wave of wave number
, in the limit
Equation (11.19) yields
(11.28) |
Hence, [cf., Equations (11.45)-(11.48)]
(11.33) |
where use has been made of Equations (11.7), (11.9), and (11.27).
is the amplitude of the vertical oscillation at the water's surface. According to
Equations (11.29)-(11.32), the passage of the wave causes a water particle located a depth
below the surface to execute a
circular orbit of radius
about its equilibrium position. The radius of the orbit
decreases exponentially with increasing depth. Furthermore, whenever the particle's vertical displacement attains a maximum value the
particle is
moving horizontally in the same direction as the wave, and vice versa. (See Figure 11.1.)
Motion of water particles associated with a deep water gravity wave propagating in the
Finally, if we define
as the equilibrium depth of the water particle found at a given point and time then
Equations (11.3) and (11.33) yield
(11.34) |
In other words, the pressure at this point and time is the same as the unperturbed pressure calculated at the equilibrium depth of the
water particle.
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Previous: Gravity Waves
Richard Fitzpatrick