Next: Solution of electron equations
Up: Particle-in-cell codes
Previous: Introduction
It is convenient to normalize time with respect to
, where
(294) |
is the so-called plasma frequency: i.e., the typical frequency of electrostatic electron oscillations. Likewise it is convenient to normalize length with respect to the so-called Debye length:
which is the length-scale above which the electrons exhibit collective (i.e.,
plasma-like) effects, instead of acting like individual particles.
Our normalized equations take the form:
whereas our initial distribution function becomes
(299) |
Note that
in normalized units.
Let us solve the above system of equations in the domain
Furthermore, for the sake of simplicity, let us adopt periodic boundary conditions:
i.e., let us identify the left and right boundaries of our solution domain.
It follows that
, and
. Moreover, any electron
which crosses the right boundary of the solution domain must reappear at the left boundary with
the same velocity, and
vice versa.
Next: Solution of electron equations
Up: Particle-in-cell codes
Previous: Introduction
Richard Fitzpatrick