Next: Monte-Carlo integration
Up: Monte-Carlo methods
Previous: Random numbers
represent the probability of finding the random variable
in the
. Here,
is termed a probability density. Note that
corresponds to no chance, whereas
corresponds to certainty. Since
it is certain that the value of
lies in the range
probability densities are subject to the normalizing constraint
(315) |
Suppose that we wish to construct a random variable
which is uniformly
distributed in the range
. In other words, the probability
density of
(316) |
Such a variable is constructed as follows
x = x1 + (x2 - x1) * double (random ()) / double (RANDMAX);
There are two basic methods of constructing non-uniformly distributed random variables:
i.e., the transformation method and the rejection method. We shall examine
each of these methods in turn.
Let us first consider the transformation method. Let
, where
is a known function, and
is a random variable. Suppose that
the probability density of
. What is the probability density,
, of
Our basic rule is the conservation of probability:
(317) |
In other words, the probability of finding
in the interval
is the
same as the probability of finding
in the interval
. It follows
(318) |
For example, consider the Poisson distribution:
(319) |
, so that
. Suppose that
(320) |
It follows that
(321) |
corresponding to
, and
corresponding to
. We conclude that
x = double (random ()) / double (RANDMAX);
y = - log (x);
then y is distributed according to the Poisson distribution.
The transformation method requires a differentiable probability distribution function. This is
not always practical. In such cases, we can use the rejection method instead.
Suppose that we desire a random variable
distributed with density
in the
. Let
be the maximum value of
in this range (see
Fig. 95).
The rejection method is as follows. The variable
is sampled randomly in the range
For each value of
we first evaluate
. We next generate a random number
which is
uniformly distributed in the range 0 to
. Finally, if
then we reject
value; otherwise, we keep it. If this prescription is followed then
be distributed according to
Figure 95:
The rejection method.
As an example, consider the Gaussian distribution:
P_y(y) =\frac{{\rm exp}[(y-\bar{y})^2/2\,\sigma^2]}{\sqrt{2\pi}\,\sigma},
\end{displaymath}](img1211.png) |
(322) |
is the mean value of
, and
is the standard deviation.
since there is a negligible chance that
lies more than 4 standard deviations
from its mean value.
It follows that
(325) |
with the maximum occurring at
The function listed below employs the rejection method to return a
random variable distributed according to a Gaussian distribution
with mean mean and standard deviation sigma:
// gaussian.cpp
// Function to return random variable distributed
// according to Gaussian distribution with mean mean
// and standard deviation sigma.
#define RANDMAX 2147483646
int random (int = 0);
double gaussian (double mean, double sigma)
double ymin = mean - 4. * sigma;
double ymax = mean + 4. * sigma;
double Pymax = 1. / sqrt (2. * M_PI) / sigma;
// Calculate random value uniformly distributed
// in range ymin to ymax
double y = ymin + (ymax - ymin) * double (random ()) / double (RANDMAX);
// Calculate Py
double Py = exp (- (y - mean) * (y - mean) / 2. / sigma / sigma) /
sqrt (2. * M_PI) / sigma;
// Calculate random value uniformly distributed in range 0 to Pymax
double x = Pymax * double (random ()) / double (RANDMAX);
// If x > Py reject value and recalculate
if (x > Py) return gaussian (mean, sigma);
else return y;
Figure 96 illustrates the performance of the above function. It can be seen
that the function successfully returns a random value distributed according to the Gaussian distribution.
A million values returned by function gaussian with
mean = 5. and sigma = 1.25. The values are binned
in 100 bins of width 0.1. The figure shows the number of points
in each bin divided by a suitable normalization factor. A Gaussian curve
is shown for comparison.
Next: Monte-Carlo integration
Up: Monte-Carlo methods
Previous: Random numbers
Richard Fitzpatrick